WannaOof Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

Do you see messages saying: “You've been oof'ed”? If so, you probably came across a threat called WannaOof Ransomware. It is a malicious application that encrypts victims’ files and then displays messages asking to make a payment to receive decryption tools. Even though the hackers may promise they can guarantee you will receive the needed decryption tools, keep in mind that cybercriminals cannot be trusted. The choice is yours to make, and if you decide not to put up with any demands, we recommend erasing WannaOof Ransomware from your system. To help you with this task, our specialists have prepared the instructions located below this article. Of course, if you prefer it, you could delete the malicious application with a reliable security tool.

As we mentioned in the beginning, you can tell that WannaOof Ransomware is on your system from its specific messages displayed on pop-ups and ransom notes. Naturally, once realizing that your computer got infected you may ask yourself how did it happen or where you went wrong. We do not know how the malicious application is being spread for sure. However, from our experience with ransomware programs, we can tell that lots of them are spread with email attachments, various installers, and other data obtained from the Internet. Therefore, a lot of victims receive such malware after interacting with untrustworthy content. Consequently, we highly recommend staying away from suspicious material like emails from unknown senders, installers from doubtful file-sharing websites, content promoted on pop-ups/banners, and so on. Besides, it is a smart idea to have a reliable antimalware tool to have something to check questionable content with and warn you about potential threats.

There is one other thing that should give away your computer got infected with WannaOof Ransomware. That is a specific extension called .oof. Our specialists say each file encrypted by the malware is supposed to receive it. For example, a document called text.docx should turn into text.docx.oof. The malicious application marks data this way while encrypting it with a robust encryption algorithm, which is why the files that get affected become unreadable. There is a way to restore them, but it requires a decryption tool and a unique decryption key. The hackers ought to offer these means in their displayed messages and ransom notes. Sadly, the cybercriminals demand to make a payment first. Given there are no reassurances they will deliver what they promise, there is a risk you could lose your money in vain. If you do not trust WannaOof Ransomware’s developers and do not want to put your savings at risk, we advise deleting the malicious application.

The malware might change user’s desktop picture, but it should not be difficult to change it back once the threat is gone. As for its pop-ups with messages, our researchers say they can be easily closed. To remove WannaOof Ransomware manually, you should follow the instructions located below this text as they will tell you what to do step by step. The other way to eliminate the malicious application is to acquire a reliable security tool, then scan the infected device with it, and wait till results show up. To delete all detections the tool might find, you should click its provided removal button.

Get rid of WannaOof Ransomware

  1. Tap Ctrl+Alt+Delete.
  2. Pick Task Manager.
  3. Select the Processes tab.
  4. Look for a process associated with the malware.
  5. Select the process and click End Task.
  6. Leave Task Manager.
  7. Tap Win+E.
  8. Go to these locations:
  9. Find the malicious file opened before the system got infected, right-click it, and select Delete.
  10. Search for files containing ransom notes, right-click them, and select Delete.
  11. Go to: %TEMP%
  12. Locate a picture called wallpaper.bmp, right-click it, and choose Delete.
  13. Close File Explorer.
  14. Empty Recycle Bin.
  15. Restart the computer.
Download Remover for WannaOof Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

WannaOof Ransomware Screenshots:

WannaOof Ransomware
WannaOof Ransomware
WannaOof Ransomware


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