UpdateSearch Removal Guide

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UpdateSearch might not look like a computer security threat, but there definitely are certain security issues associated with this application, and we would like to discuss them. It is a potentially unwanted program that could be exploited by malevolent third parties. As a result, you could be exposed to harmful third-party content. You can avoid that by removing UpdateSearch today. You should also consider scanning your system with a security tool of your choice so that you could protect your system from other similar intruders. If possible, invest in a licensed antispyware application, too.

We have been dealing with such applications for quite some time now. It is probably directly associated with Mazy Search, GalaxySpin, Quick Radio Search, and many other applications we have discussed recently. All of them are potentially unwanted programs, and all of them are distributed as Chrome extensions. They come offering some new service that is supposed to make your web browsing a better experience, but the reality is that the service is redundant, and you could easily deal with all of your normal tasks without it.

Users often think that something like UpdateSearch is a browser hijacker, but that’s not true. Browser hijackers do not require your permission to modify your browser’s settings. Potentially unwanted programs, on the other hand, do ask for permission. You probably just miss it because you are not consciously aware of the fact that you’re about to add the app to your browser.

This happens because UpdateSearch might be installed on the target system through bundle downloads, pop-ups, and redirects. Although this extension is available on official sources as well, it is far more likely that it will reach users through third-party distributors because then the users are less attentive. Therefore, you have to always be careful about the programs you install, and please do not click all the “Allow” or “Add” buttons you see on your screen because it could lead to unwanted software installation.

And once something like UpdateSearch enters your system, it modifies your browser’s settings (because they’ve been authorized to!). After all, the application gets the permission to read your browsing history and change your search settings to feed.update-search.com.

The extension also promotes itself as “the best way to search,” but there is nothing substantial about that. It doesn’t have an original search service, and all the search results are optimized by Yahoo! Search. So, it’s clear that you can simply use the search engine directly instead of employing a third-party mediator that might not even display reliable search results!

What’s more, since UpdateSearch reads your browsing history, it could eventually promote custom commercial content that would be tweaked to your likes and preferences. Albeit that is not anything illegal, but we have to remember that such extensions do not review the content it promotes, and who can guarantee that UpdateSearch doesn’t expose you to something dangerous? It might as well do so, even if the app wasn’t created with the intention to infect anyone with malware.

Keeping all sorts of potential security issues in mind, and also minding the fact that most of the users do not plan to have UpdateSearch on-board, it would be for the best to remove the app. We strongly recommend resetting your browser’s settings to default because this way, you will remove all the tracking cookies associated with this extension as well. After manual removal, don’t forget to run a full system scan with the SpyHunter free scanner. If more unwanted programs are found on your computer, terminate them automatically. Finally, review your web browsing habits so that you could avoid similar intruders in the future.

How to Remove UpdateSearch

  1. Open the Chrome browser.
  2. Press Alt+F and click Settings.
  3. Scroll down and click Advanced.
  4. Scroll down again and click Restore settings to their original defaults.
  5. Click Reset settings to complete.
Download Remover for UpdateSearch *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

UpdateSearch Screenshots:



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