Unlock92 Zipper Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

Are your personal files backed up? If they are not, we suggest that you take care of that before Unlock92 Zipper Ransomware finds its way into your Windows operating system. This malicious infection is set to lock personal files in a ZIP archive and then replace them with copies that are just 1 byte. Although the malicious threat did not work at the time of research, that does not mean that it could not become a serious threat in the near future. In fact, it could have been fully developed by the time you are reading this report. Does a free decryptor exist? The word on the street is that it does, and, hopefully, you can restore all of your personal files if they get encrypted by this malware. What we want to focus on this report, however, is the removal of the malicious infection. Besides showing you how to delete Unlock92 Zipper Ransomware, we also want to help you take the right steps to ensure that your operating system is protected against all malicious infections in the future.

Ransomware is the kind of malware that demands a ransom payment. This is why we are making the assumption that the creator of Unlock92 Zipper Ransomware wants money from you as well. If it is executed on your operating system successfully (most likely, via spam and malware downloaders), it should lock your files and then create a TXT file with a random name, such as grefaccgusfjqrbetwmi.txt. It is safe to open the file, but it is not safe for you to follow the instructions that are represented via the ransom message. The message is introduced to you in Russian, and it informs that you need to send a file called “key.vl” (should find it where files are corrupted) to un92@protonmail.com. The VL file appears to be used for identification of the victims, but we cannot guarantee that this can help cyber criminals provide the victim with the right password/decryptor. Although the original ransom note does not mention the ransom, there’s little chance that the creator of Unlock92 Zipper Ransomware would not ask you to pay money for the password that would, allegedly, unlock encrypted archives and files.

As you might have figured out, you cannot restore files or reverse the damage by removing Unlock92 Zipper Ransomware. That, of course, doesn’t mean that you should ignore the infection or even postpone its removal. Before you take care of that, you need to think about your virtual security. What can you do to ensure that ransomware does not successfully attack your operating system again? First, you need to think about implementing anti-malware software. New infections emerge every single day, and it is hard to keep track of them all on your own. However, the right anti-malware tool can do it automatically, and so it is the best instrument in the fight against malware. You also need to think about the security of your personal data. Though we should hope that it would stay safe with the help of anti-malware software, you should back them up just for added protection. If backup copies exist, you really do not need to worry too much about what happens to those stored on your computer.

Will you install anti-malware software to protect your operating system? It is high time you did that if you want to prevent malware from attacking you in the future. If you take this route, you can have Unlock92 Zipper Ransomware deleted automatically too, and that can be extremely helpful, considering that deleting this malware manually is not the easiest of tasks. If you decide that you want to get rid of the infection yourself, you will have to find the .exe file that launched malware, and we cannot help you with that because it could have been dropped anywhere, and its name could be unique. All in all, even if you successfully remove Zipper Ransomware – and we hope that you can do that – you still need to think about protection.

How to delete Unlock92 Zipper Ransomware

  1. Delete the .exe file that launched the ransomware.
  2. Delete the Startup-random.zip, key.vl, {unknown name}.txt files in these directories (to access them, tap Win+E to launch Explorer and enter the pathinto the field at the top):
    • %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
    • %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
    • %USERPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
    • %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
    • %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
  3. As soon as you Empty Recycle Bin, perform a complete system scan using a legitimate malware scanner.
Download Remover for Unlock92 Zipper Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Unlock92 Zipper Ransomware Screenshots:

Unlock92 Zipper Ransomware
Unlock92 Zipper Ransomware

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