Trojan Banker Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

Trojan Banker is a Trojan which is associated with the Banload and Downloader.Banload Trojan. This harmful Trojan gains entry to its victims’ PCs through websites which employ drive-by download tactics and through bundled third party security downloads and updates. This Trojan was designed to monitor its victims’ PC activities, and report it back to its developers.

A large threat associated with Trojan Banker is its ability to steal its victims’ usernames, passwords and financial and sensitive information. What is more, this seditious Trojan opens various security holes in the system which paves the way for other malicious malware to gain easy entry into the system.

Trojan Banker also operates under other aliases, some of which are:

PSW.Banker5.BEUT Win32:Banker-GRX

In order to prevent this Trojan to gain a steadfast foothold on the system and compromise your PC security and privacy, destroy Trojan Banker with the help of a genuine security tool. Investing in a properly functioning security application will not only erase Trojan Banker from the system for good but will also protect your PC against similar attacks in future.

Download Remover for Trojan Banker *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.


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