Trojan.Adject Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

Trojan.Adject is a harmful threat that might slither onto users’ computers unnoticed. As has been observed by specialists who have analyzed this malicious application, it is usually installed together with the application called Lightning. It goes without saying that users do not know anything about its installation. In addition, this infection performs all its activities in the background, so if a reputable security application is not installed on the system, it takes time to find out about the successful entrance of this Trojan. It does not mean that users cannot find out about its entrance without an antimalware scanner – users just need to check %WINDIR%\System32\drivers. If this folder contains the prilock.sys file, there is no doubt that Trojan.Adject is active on the system. In such a case, take action immediately because this malicious application might cause you a bunch of privacy and security-related problems. To tell you the truth, it is still hard to say what activities it performs on victims’ computers, which means that it might do anything, even steal some sensitive information from users. The removal of this Trojan will be a bit complicated because it not only places its file on affected computers, but also creates three entries in the system registry. We will help you to delete all the components of Trojan.Adject, so read this report till its final sentence.

There is one thing we know for sure – Trojan.Adject enters computers without permission together with the Lightning application. This app can be removed easily, but, unfortunately, we cannot say the same about the Trojan infection. Its removal will be quite complicated, but you cannot keep it because it will perform a bunch of malicious activities in the background. Trojan infections might do anything, specialists say. It is the same with Trojan.Adject. Since it connects to the Internet, it might download new threats on your computer or steal and send data from your computer to its C&C server. On top of that, it might be responsible for displaying commercial advertisements to users. If your favorite websites have started displaying tons of ads for you when you surf them, the chances are high that Trojan.Adject is the one responsible for placing them on those websites. In such a case, all these advertisements should be ignored completely because the chances are high that they lead straight to untrustworthy pages. As you have probably already understood, keeping Trojan.Adject might only result in undesirable outcomes. The sooner it is gone from your system, the better, so you should not postpone its removal – get rid of it the second you read this report till the very end.

As has already been mentioned, Trojan.Adject is installed on users’ computers together with the Lightning application. Some users expect that it will act in a beneficial way and install it on their computers willingly, whereas others are 100% sure that this application has been installed on their computers without their knowledge. It acts the same in all the cases no matter how it is installed on users’ computers. That is, it installs the Trojan infection alongside. Unfortunately, you could not delete Trojan.Adject by deleting the Lightning application. You will have to erase all its components one by one to disable it. Once you clean your system, you should install a security tool for protecting your system against malicious software because Trojan.Adject is definitely not the only harmful malicious application users might encounter one day.

Trojan.Adject is considered a harmful malicious application, but we are sure you will delete it yourself manually if you follow our step-by-step manual removal guide which can be found right below this paragraph. The first thing you will need to do is to delete the .sys file. Then, you will need to remove three keys created in the system registry. Make sure you do not leave any active components belonging to this Trojan infection on your system because it might revive and start performing malicious activities on your computer again. You can find out whether there are really no malicious components left by scanning your system with a diagnostic scanner – click the Download button below to get it.

Delete Trojan.Adject

  1. Press Win+E.
  2. Type %WINDIR%\System32\drivers in the URL bar and tap Enter.
  3. Locate prilock.sys in the opened directory and delete it.
  4. Close Windows Explorer and tap Win+R.
  5. Insert regedit and click OK.
  6. Delete the following registry keys and then empty Recycle bin:
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\prilock
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet002\services\prilock
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\prilock
Download Remover for Trojan.Adject *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

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