Templates Discovery Tab Removal Guide

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If you’re constantly looking for new templates, Templates Discovery Tab might look like a good tool that can help you with your quest. However, this application is a potentially unwanted program, and might inadvertently lead you to unreliable websites. What’s more, users often end up with this application accidentally, and they don’t even know how it entered their browsers. We’re actually lucky because we can remove Templates Discovery Tab without too much difficulty. There are also several ways to remove this extension, so it is up to you to choose the removal method that is more convenient to you.

This extension works only with the Chrome browser, and if you use any other browser, you might be able to avoid it. However, if you manage to land on websites that promote this extension, sooner rather than later, you will encounter another extension that will be compatible with the browser you use, too. Therefore, it is important to review your browsing habits if you want to avoid multiple undesirable applications, that are simply waiting to be added to your browser.

Please note that Templates Discovery Tab is not a malicious infection or a browser hijacker. Some users are bound to think that this app is a malicious threat because it modifies their search settings. The extension replaces the page you see when opening a new tab, and it reads your browsing history. In a sense, if you do not notice how this app enters your system, it might seem that Templates Discovery Tab hijacks your browser. However, these apps are not sophisticated enough to do that. They require your permission to enter the system. Hence, even if you don’t realize it, you must have added the extension yourself.

This is where we go back to browsing habits and the necessity to change them. If you visit sites that display a lot of third-party advertisements, it is only a matter of time until you get exposed to all sorts of pop-ups and redirect windows, where you will be offered to add Templates Discovery Tab and other similar extensions to your browser. You might not even notice that those are software offers. You might want to simply close the pop-up window, and it will look like the only way to do that is to click the notification box. Of course, clicking the button on the box results in adding the likes of Templates Discovery Tab to your browser.

After that, Templates Discovery Tab may end up displaying commercial advertisements or modified search results that, in one way or the other, will be related to your likes and preferences. After all, we have to remember that the extension collects data about your browsing history. With that, it can generate custom ads that you will be very likely to interact with. Whenever you encounter such ads or similar outgoing links, you need to be really careful because Templates Discovery Tab cannot guarantee the links lead to safe websites. It wouldn’t be surprising if the extension were to be exploited by cybercriminals to expose you to various scams, too.

All in all, if you don’t want a program, you have to remove it. Simply restore your browser to default, and Templates Discovery Tab will be gone. If you think that there could be more unwanted applications on your computer, now is a good chance to scan your computer with the SpyHunter free scanner. If you often visit all sorts of websites that offer freeware, you might have more unwanted apps you need to remove as soon as possible. To what’s right and protect your system from various threats today.

How to Delete Templates Discovery Tab

  1. Open Chrome and press Alt+F.
  2. Click Settings and scroll down.
  3. Press Advanced at the bottom and scroll down again.
  4. Click Restore settings to their original defaults.
  5. Press Reset settings.
Download Remover for Templates Discovery Tab *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Templates Discovery Tab Screenshots:

Templates Discovery Tab


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