Speed Test Guide Removal Guide

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Do you often test your Internet speed? You’ve probably heard of speedtest.net before, but you haven’t heard of speedtest-guide.com. This website is a homepage for Speed Test Guide. It is a Chrome browser extension that is supposed to enhance your web browsing experience. However, computer security experts say that this extension is a potentially unwanted program. It means that the application may have certain features that might be deemed undesirable or annoying. Therefore, if you do not want to have this app on-board, it is recommended that you remove Speed Test Guide following the removal guidelines at the bottom of this entry.

How do people get this app? Well, you can add Speed Test Guide to your browser via the Chrome Web Store. It also wouldn’t be surprising if this application reached people via third-party websites. For example, there are tons of pages out there that promote and distribute freeware. There are also pages that have redirects and flash advertisements, and those ads may launch a pop-up that requires you to add Speed Test Guide (or any other extension, for that matter) to your browser. It is very often that users fail to read what the pop-ups have to say, and they click “Add” just because they want the pop-up to disappear. As a result, many unwanted extensions could be added to the target browser.

What does Speed Test Guide do? If we were to take a look at the permissions that this extension requires, might be get a general picture of what this app can do. The permissions are as follow:

  • Replace the page you see when opening a new tab
  • Read your browsing history

According to the official website, when Speed Test Guide replaces the page you see when you open a new tab, it allows the application “to configure your new tab with Speedtest Guide.” The extension can also check frequently visited sites, and it allows the app “to provide quick access to a user’s most visited sites on their Speedtest Guide new tab.”

This all seems like a good idea, but we have to remember that not everyone wants Speed Test Guide on their browser. And if it manages to enter your system unexpectedly, you might as well remove it at once. Please bear in mind that you might also have other undesirable applications installed because they often travel in groups. If you are not sure whether you have unwanted programs, be sure to scan your PC with the SpyHunter free scanner.

Now, we can say that Speed Test Guide is not an immediate system security threat, but there are always certain aspects of potentially unwanted programs that can be quite worrisome. For example, we cannot know what kind of content Speed Test Guide will promote through the modified search results links that you will encounter via the new tab settings. While this extension doesn’t intend to infect you with malware, it also doesn’t review the commercial content it promotes. So, if someone decides to exploit this program, you might be in a serious trouble.

Before any of that happens, you can restore your browser settings to default. This way, you will remove Speed Test Guide and all the other undesirable applications from your computer. If you have passwords or bookmarks saved on your browser, make sure to copy them because browser reset will make everything disappear.

Once you have done that, don’t forget to stay away from unfamiliar websites that would expose you to similar apps. Also, you should consider investing in a licensed antispyware tool that would protect your system from other intruders.

How to Delete Speed Test Guide

  1. Launch your Chrome browser.
  2. Press Alt+F and go to Settings.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom and click Advanced.
  4. Click Restore settings to their original defaults at the bottom.
  5. On the pop-up box, click Reset settings.
Download Remover for Speed Test Guide *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Speed Test Guide Screenshots:

Speed Test Guide
Speed Test Guide


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