Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans Ransomware happens to be a direct rip-off of MoWare H.F.D Ransomware. It means that someone simply copied the malicious program and then plastered a different face on it. However, both programs happen to be almost identical, so everything that we applied to MoWare H.F.D Ransomware can be applied to Ransomware as well. Again, the most important thing when you deal with ransomware is to remove it from your system as soon as possible. This is the reason we are writing this entry. Scroll down to the bottom of this description for the manual removal instructions to terminate the infection.

The original MoWare H.F.D Ransomware infection was released in May 2017. So, it’s really been a while since this program reached the public. There is also a possibility that there is a public decryption tool available for this infection, so you might want to look for that one.

As far as the behavior of this infection is concerned, Ransomware works just like MoWare H.F.D Ransomware. The only difference between the two programs lies in a couple of sentences that we see in the ransom note. Also, Ransomware has a new contact email. However, apart from that, both programs are identical.

It also means that this “new” program targets computer users who speak French, because the ransom note is entirely in French. The ransom note says that the infected user has five days to transfer the 50 EUR ransom fee, if they want to get their encrypted files back.

Now, we would like to point out that some versions of MoWare H.F.D Ransomware weren’t successful in encrypting target files. It means that not all versions of the program were programmed properly. Likewise, the same could be applied to Ransomware, as well. However, when we look at the program’s code, we can see that it should affect a lot of filetypes. In other words, if Ransomwarecan encrypt your data, most of your files will be locked up.

Of course, there are many other ransomware infections out there, and they could easily slither into your system once you have removed Ransomware. So, how it would be possible to avoid such infections?

When we take into consideration the fact that the most common ransomware distribution method is spam email. Thus, the ransomware installer files reach you directly, when they land in your inbox. Most of the spam emails get filtered into the Junk folder, but the most sophisticated ones could reach the main inbox, too. You need to understand that when you receive an urgent message with an attachment from an unfamiliar sender, you should NEVER open that attached file.

To remove Ransomware, you will have to delete a few files and registry entries. If you find the task too challenging, you can get yourself a powerful security tool and terminate the infection with it automatically.

Also, if you follow the general security guidelines and keep copies of your files in an external hard drive or on a cloud drive, you can delete the encrypted files and then use the saved copies to restore your file library.

How to Remove Ransomware

  1. Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc and click the Processes tab.
  2. Highlight the MoWare F.H.D process and click End Process.
  3. Go to the Downloads folder.
  4. Remove the most recently downloaded files.
  5. Press Win+R and type regedit. Click OK.
  6. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
  7. On the right side, right-click and delete the MoWare H.F.D value.
  8. Press Win+R and type %AppData%. Click OK.
  9. Remove the MoWare_H directory.
  10. Scan your PC with SpyHunter.
Download Remover for Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter. Ransomware Screenshots: Ransomware


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