Scarab-Horsuke Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

It would be a mistake to let Scarab-Horsuke Ransomware in because this malicious infection can quickly encrypt the most sensitive and personal files. If such files exist on your operating system, you want to protect them, and it is easiest to do that by backing them up. If you do not want to invest in external drives, you can choose from an array of virtual cloud storages, many of which offer to store a certain amount of files for free. Basically, you have no excuse not to backup personal data. Why is this so important? Well, it all comes down to the fact that your computer and operating system are not invincible. Computers get stolen, hard drives burn, and malware attacks.

Even if your system is protected by anti-malware software, there’s always an infection that can bypass all security measures as long as one security backdoor exists. That being said, if your files are backed up, they are safe even if malware attacks your system and removes your personal files. While that is not done by the ransomware we are discussing in this report, it still can be detrimental to your files. If you want to learn more about this, and you need to figure out how to delete Scarab-Horsuke Ransomware, you should continue reading.

You might not know how or when Scarab-Horsuke Ransomware slithered into your operating system, but it did it somehow. If you want to eliminate the infection manually, you need to be able to identify and delete the infection’s launcher because this is the hotspot of all operations. In fact, the two other files that this malware creates are the TXT and BMP ransom note files, but we will discuss that later. When the launcher is dropped onto your computer – whether it is done with your help or by another infection – it encrypts files, and it does it silently. When files are encrypted, the “” extension is added to their names, and so you should not have any problem identifying these files. Note that you cannot restore files by removing the added extension.

Just like Scarab-Oblivion Ransomware, Scarab Ransomware, and other threats from the same group, the malicious Scarab-Horsuke Ransomware presents very clear instructions. First, the Desktop’s wallpaper is changed to inform that the victim must email The same instructions are given via the HOW TO RECOVER ENCRYPTED FILES.TXT file too, except that an alternative email address ( is offered as well. The message in the text file also informs that a payment will be expected in Bitcoins. If you email cyber criminals, they should respond back with a specified ransom sum and a bitcoin wallet address, to which the payment is expected to be made. Although the instructions are pretty clear, that does not mean you must follow them. In fact, that is not recommended at all.

If you pay the price to get your files decrypted, you are unlikely to get anything in return. The creator of Scarab-Horsuke Ransomware wants your money, and they are not obligated to do anything once they get it. Do you think that someone who congratulates you because your files are encrypted has any conscience? Hopefully, you do not fall for the tricks and promises of cyber criminals, and you realize soon that you need to remove Scarab-Horsuke Ransomware from your operating system. The good news is that you might be able to handle this even if you are inexperienced and have never faced malware in the past.

You must remove Scarab-Horsuke Ransomware as soon as possible, but it is understandable if you hesitate because your files are in limbo. If you delete the infection, you lose the option presented by cyber criminals – and you should not consider this to be a viable option at all – but if you do as told by cyber criminals, you are at risk of losing files and a substantial sum of money. This is not something you need to worry about if your personal files are backed up. Are they not? If that is the case, you must back up files in the future to avoid loss. When you get to the removal of Scarab-Horsuke Ransomware, you can use the guide below, but it is much better if you install anti-malware software because its most important feature is reliable Windows protection.

How to delete Scarab-Horsuke Ransomware

  1. Remove recently downloaded suspicious files.
  2. Launch RUN (tap Win+R keys) and enter regedit.exe to access Registry Editor.
  3. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ and Delete the {unknown name} key related to the ransomware.
  4. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and Delete the {unknown name} value related to the ransomware.
  5. Launch Explorer (tap Win+E keys) and then enter %USERPROFILE% into the bar at the top.
  6. Delete the HOW TO RECOVER ENCRYPTED FILES.TXT and {unknown name}.bmp files.
  7. Empty Recycle Bin and then immediately perform a full system scan using a legitimate malware scanner.
Download Remover for Scarab-Horsuke Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Scarab-Horsuke Ransomware Screenshots:

Scarab-Horsuke Ransomware
Scarab-Horsuke Ransomware

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