Scarab-Crypted034 Ransomware Removal Guide

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If your efforts to keep the operating system malware-free fail, and Scarab-Crypted034 Ransomware attacks successfully, you must be doing something wrong. Maybe you are not cautious about your own activity. And maybe you allowed the threat to exploit an existing system vulnerability. Whatever happened, if your system was infected and your personal files were encrypted, you need to act quickly. Our recommendation is that you delete Scarab-Crypted034 Ransomware, but, of course, you want to make your own decisions about how you act, and that is why this report was created. Our research team has tested the malicious threat in a safe environment, and our findings should help you decide whether you want to pay the ransom or quickly remove the treat. We also discuss the different methods you can use to eliminate the infection because, regardless of what you do with the ransom note, you need to erase the malicious ransomware.

Scarab-Crypted034 Ransomware comes from the Scarab Ransomware family, and it is practically identical to Scarab-Cybergod Ransomware, Scarab-Good Ransomware, Scarab-Glutton Ransomware, Scarab-Oblivion Ransomware, and a bunch of other infections. When they invade operating systems, they act in a very strange way. First of all, Scarab-Crypted034 Ransomware creates a copy of itself. The .exe file is placed in %APPDATA% immediately, and its name is likely to be “sevnz.exe.” That means that even if you delete the launcher file before it encrypts files, you are unlikely to stop the process. Moreover, even if you know that the copy exists, you might have a hard time terminating the running process and then delete the file because the Task Manager can be disabled by this malware. Once files are fully encrypted, the copy in the %APPDATA% directory should remove itself as well. That means that there isn’t much to eliminate once this particular threat attacks. That being said, you need to eliminate ALL components as soon as possible.

Although encrypting files is a huge task for Scarab-Crypted034 Ransomware, it is even more important for this threat to introduce you to HOW TO RECOVER ENCRYPTED FILES.TXT, which is why copies of this file are created everywhere where files are encrypted. Speaking of encrypted files, they become totally unrecognizable because their names are changed to random names, and the “.crypted034” extension is added at the end. The message in the TXT file suggests that you can recover files using a decryption key that you can obtain by paying the ransom, but remember that this is a promise made by cyber criminals, and they can promise anything just to make you pay the ransom. Also, there is very little information about the ransom itself, and the attackers want you to contact them for more information. Hopefully, we do not need to explain why revealing your email address by contacting, and is a bad idea. We do not recommend using the Bitmessage app (at BM-2cVX9BfFbwjVZSi9jMPY22F6aeKMTny46y) to contact the attackers either. Do you have backups? If you do, there is no need to think about paying the ransom, but even if your files are basically lost, paying the ransom is a terrible idea.

Since Scarab-Crypted034 Ransomware removes itself, there isn’t much for you to do. However, you need to erase the ransom note file with all of its copies, and you also need to eliminate a registry entry created to support the copy of the original .exe file. The instructions below should help you take care of that. Of course, you want to consider going the alternative route, and that is to install an anti-malware program. It will quickly remove Scarab-Crypted034 Ransomware along with any other threat that might exist (note that some threats are downloaded by others), and it will also secure your system, which is arguably the most important step. If you are unable to restore your files or replace them with backup copies, you want to delete them to free up space. You also want to figure out how to back up files because files that are backed up cannot be lost.

How to delete Scarab-Crypted034 Ransomware

  1. Launch RUN by tapping keys Win+R.
  2. Type regedit.exe and click OK.
  3. Move to HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce.
  4. Delete the value that represents malicious [unknown name].exe file in %APPDATA%.
  5. Launch Explorer by tapping keys Win+E.
  6. Enter %APPDATA% into the field at the very top to access the directory.
  7. Delete the [unknown name].exe file if it persists (the name should be sevnz.exe).
  8. Exit all windows and then Delete every single copy of HOW TO RECOVER ENCRYPTED FILES.TXT.
  9. Complete the process with Empty Recycle Bin.
  10. Implement a reliable malware scanner to scan your operating system.
Download Remover for Scarab-Crypted034 Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Scarab-Crypted034 Ransomware Screenshots:

Scarab-Crypted034 Ransomware


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