REvil Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

When was the last time you installed security updates? If you cannot remember that, REvil Ransomware might have already slithered into your operating system. Of course, if that had happened, it is likely that you would be aware of it by now because this infection does not take any time to encrypt personal files and then introduce itself to the victims. That being said, unpatched security vulnerabilities can be responsible for the malicious threat, and if you do not want to face it, it is imperative that you update your operating system immediately. It is particularly important that you patch CVE-2019-2725 and CVE-2018-8453 vulnerabilities that have been proven to be exploited by the malicious ransomware. Of course, even if your system is updated, that does not mean that you are immune. Spam emails, bundled downloaders, and remote access backdoors could all be exploited too, and if they are exploited successfully, you will need to delete REvil Ransomware or some other dangerous file-encryptor.

REvil Ransomware encrypts files in the Desktop, Downloads, and Favorites folders that are located in the %USERPROFILE% directory. It also can encrypt personal files in the %HOMEDRIVE%\Users\Default folder. In fact, all files except for .bat and .sys files in the %HOMEDRIVE% can be encrypted. Although the reach of the threat might not seem expansive, it certainly can do a great deal of damage. Also known as Sodinokibi Ransomware or Sodin Ransomware, this infection changes the data within the file to make it impossible for the owner of the file to read it. Theoretically speaking, a decryption key should exist, and it should be possible to decrypt files, but cyber criminal activity and logic do not always go together. While we believe that the creators of REvil Ransomware might have the decryptor in their hands, we doubt that victims would be provided with it. That is because once one decryptor is out, malware researchers might have an easier time coming up with a free decryptor. Speaking of free decryptors, none existed at the time of research, and if you go on a hunt for them, make sure you are not duped by cyber crooks again.

The creators of Sodinokibi\REvil.A Ransomware want you to believe that they can provide you with a decryptor; otherwise, the entire attack would be a bust. The infection is infiltrated and files are encrypted so that cyber criminals would have leverage when demanding a ransom. In fact, we cannot know for sure what exactly it is that the attackers want, but, most likely, it is your money. Once files are encrypted, and a unique extension (6-10 random characters/numbers) is added, a file named “[6-10 character extension]-readme.txt” is created. It is created in every affected location, and you want to remove every single copy. The message inside the file instructs to download the Tor browser and then follow a link to a page that the attackers set up to provide you with more information. If you do as told, most likely, you will land on a page revealing the ransom and the method of payment. Although the ransom note is unique, some malware experts believe that REvil Ransomware could have been created by the attackers behind GandCrab Ransomware. Coincidentally, REvil emerged as soon as GandCrab operation was shut down, and the code is similar.

So, what does it take to remove REvil Ransomware from the operating system? That totally depends on how experienced you are. Do you know how to identify malware files? Do you know where to look for them? If you do, waste no time to find and delete REvil Ransomware. If you are struggling, employ a free malware scanner to assist you. Of course, we recommend installing anti-malware software right away. It will find and remove the infection automatically, and if any other threats exist, they will be taken care of too. Most important, the security of your operating system will be reinforced, and, hopefully, new threats will not successfully invade again. Needless to say, you need to be careful in case a more powerful threat emerges. To keep such threats away, always update your system and never download strange files, open strange emails, click strange links, or visit strange sites. To ensure that you are not affected too badly even if malware invades, backup your personal files externally/online so that backup copies would exist just in case. Speaking of backup, REvil deletes shadow volume copies, and so if internal Windows backup is all you’ve got, you will suffer loss.

How to delete REvil Ransomware

  1. Delete recently downloaded suspicious files. You can check these locations first:
    • %USERPROFILE%\Desktop
    • %USERPROFILE%\Downloads
    • %TEMP%
  2. Delete the ransom note file, [6-10 character extension]-readme.txt (all copies).
  3. Empty Recycle Bin and then quickly install a legitimate malware scanner.
  4. Perform a thorough system scan to ensure that no threats remain active.
Download Remover for REvil Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.


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