Predator the Thief Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

There are malware infections that are quite obvious and infections that take time to notice. Predator the Thief is a Trojan infection that can stay hidden in the system for quite a while. You might not even know that this program is there on your system unless you perform a full PC scan.

In fact, to protect your system from such infections, you need to run regular system scans with an updated security tool. When you remove Predator the Thief, you should also review your web browsing habits to see what could have led to the infection.

There are several ways for Predator the Thief to reach their victim. Since the Trojan spreads through fake ZIP files and documents, it is very likely that it comes either through spam email or fake downloads. Thus, it is necessary to be attentive when you download new files on your computer. If those files come from unfamiliar sources, you should scan them before opening. The point is that it is possible to avoid Predator the Thief and other similar infections, but users often fail to see the signs that indicate they are being targeted by Trojans and other malicious programs.

So what happens when this intruder finally enters a target system? First, it establishes a connection with its control and command center (C2) over a remote server. It makes use of your bandwidth, but the flow of data is usually small enough to remain unnoticed. Needless to say, you are not notified about this connection. Then the Trojan receives information from its C2, and the information contains commands on what the infection should do further.

As far as our research team has found, Predator the Thief can perform a number of spying tasks. It can collect login information from Steam and Discord; it can also collect your cookies, Telegram cache files, digital wallet information, FTP software files, and browser data files. As you can see, if there is someone this infection targets specifically, it can steal a lot of important personal information. If that information contains something sensitive, the theft can result in severe losses, too.

Aside from collecting personal communication and browser data, Predator the Thief can also take screenshots of your screen. Besides, the Trojan can look for files that carry DOC, DOCX, TXT, and LOG extensions, and collect the information in these files, too. Not to mention, that it copies clipboard data, so if you copy and paste your passwords when you try to access your accounts, the Trojan can steal that information too. Once the necessary information is collected, Predator the Thief sends all the archived data to its C2 and cleans up. It means that it doesn’t leave any archive on your computer once the data is transferred, so it might not be possible to say exactly what kind of data was stolen from you.

The bottom line is that this infection is very stealthy and sneaky. The sooner you remove Predator the Thief from your system, the better. As mentioned, it might be hard to determine that this program is on your computer, so if you do not want to remove Predator the Thief manually, you can acquire a powerful security program that will do it for you automatically.

While you are at it, you can also terminate other potential threats that are probably there on your computer. The point is that such programs seldom travel alone, so the sooner you secure your computer against all sorts of threats, the better. Finally, do not forget to be careful about the files you download because if you allow a malicious program to enter your PC, there isn’t much a security program could do to prevent that.

How to Remove Predator the Thief

  1. Remove the most recent files from Desktop.
  2. Press Win+R and type %TEMP%. Click OK.
  3. Delete the most recent files from the directory.
  4. Press Win+R and type %APPDATA%. Press OK.
  5. Remove suspicious files from the directory.
  6. Go to the Downloads folder and remove the most recent files.
  7. Run a full system scan with SpyHunter.
Download Remover for Predator the Thief *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.


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