.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello Ransomware is the name of a malicious infection that adds “.PC-FunHACKED!-” as the extension to the files it corrupts. After the files are encrypted, the threat can also delete them. It does that periodically, every hour. During the first 24 hours, a small number of files are deleted, but the number increases after that, and it can increase dramatically if the victim restarts the computer. Due to this, it is important that you begin necessary removal procedures as soon as you discover the suspicious threat. The process might also include decrypting files. Michael Gillespie is a malware researcher who claims to have created a decryption tool that can restore files for free. Please be cautious when researching and installing the tool because the last thing you need is to download an imposter program. Hopefully, you can recover the files and delete .PC-FunHACKED!-Hello Ransomware right away.

Spam emails are likely to be used for the distribution of .PC-FunHACKED!-Hello Ransomware. This threat is a version of Jigsaw, but new distribution methods could be employed to spread this threat. Whether the attackers use spam emails, malicious downloaders, or system vulnerabilities, they are bound to use silent attack techniques because if you notice the threat, you might remove it before the encryption is complete. Once files are encrypted, the infection should create a file named “Address.txt” (on the Desktop), as well as launch its own window. This window is identical to the ones used by the devious Jigsaw Ransomware. It includes an image of “Billy the Puppet,” a famous character from the ‘Saw’ series. The background is black, the text is green, and the timer counting down from 60 minutes down is red. The window displays a ransom note that is meant to make you pay a ransom of $100. In fact, the exact sum of the ransom is not clear because the instructions say that you need to pay “at least” $100.

Will you have better chances of recovering your files if you pay a larger sum? That is highly unlikely. In fact, it is unlikely that you will recover your files by paying the ransom requested by .PC-FunHACKED!-Hello Ransomware at all. Luckily, a free decryptor appears to exist, and so you are in a better position than most ransomware victims. In most cases, victims are unable to recover their files, and paying the ransoms does not help either. This is why it is important to discuss backup. Surely, you know what a file backup is – it is a copy of a file stored separately from the original file outside the PC. Ideally, backups are stored online or on external drives that are not connected to infected machines. If your files are backed up, do not bother decrypting files, and remove .PC-FunHACKED!-Hello Ransomware without further delay. According to our researchers, this threat has the power to encrypt documents, photos, and a number of other types of files (e.g., .jpg, .jpeg, .raw, .txt, .pdf, .pptx, .avi, .rar, or .zip), and if they were encrypted by a different infection, and backups did not exist, all of these files would be lost.

If you need to remove .PC-FunHACKED!-Hello Ransomware from your operating system, you need to think carefully about the method you choose. If you start eliminating the infection manually, make sure you know what you are doing because if you fail to remove EVERY SINGLE piece of malware, your virtual security could stay at risk, and that is something you want to evade. Also, you need to inspect your system for any additional threats that might exist, and if those are found, you need to delete them too. Moreover, you need to think about Windows protection after existing threats are eliminated. All of this can be overwhelming, but it does not need to be. You can install an anti-malware program that will automatically delete .PC-FunHACKED!-Hello Ransomware and secure your system.

How to delete .PC-FunHACKED!-Hello Ransomware

  1. Kill suspicious process in the Task Manager (tap Ctrl+Alt+Delete and click Start Task Manager).
  2. Delete all recently downloaded files. A few locations you could check first include:
    • %USERPROFILE%\Desktop
    • %USERPROFILE%\Downloads
    • %TEMP%
  3. Go to the Desktop and Delete a file named Address.txt.
  4. Empty Recycle Bin to erase all components completely.
  5. Install a malware scanner you can trust and run a system scan.
Download Remover for .PC-FunHACKED!-Hello Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello Ransomware Screenshots:

.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello Ransomware

.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello Ransomware technical info for manual removal:

Files Modified/Created on the system:

# File Name File Size (Bytes) File Hash
168fba60c6b9390c6f6a09ad69819284bfc4733654f9b02fb7f1d2efe44115707.exe62976 bytesMD5: 9d2c6b65357006ecd371d24e583e9ab8

Memory Processes Created:

# Process Name Process Filename Main module size
168fba60c6b9390c6f6a09ad69819284bfc4733654f9b02fb7f1d2efe44115707.exe68fba60c6b9390c6f6a09ad69819284bfc4733654f9b02fb7f1d2efe44115707.exe62976 bytes


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