PainLocker Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

Having a ransomware application up and running on your personal computer could be a disaster, to put it mildly. Thus, being aware of their existence and keeping your operating system secure is crucial. PainLocker Ransomware is the name of another malicious program of this classification that currently roams the web. If you are not familiar with ransomware programs, you should know that they can encrypt massive amounts of data in a matter of minutes. In most situations, malware developers use such applications to make illegal profits from unsuspecting Internet users. The scheme under which such programs work is quite simple. First, it locks data stored on your hard drive and then demands a ransom in return for decryption services. Read our report and learn more about the inner workings of this ransomware program. You will also find a few virtual security tips alongside a detailed removal guide, which you should use to delete PainLocker Ransomware once and for all.

Due to the number of ransomware programs nowadays, it is not at all surprising that the majority of such applications function similarly. In this case, PainLocker Ransomware is not an exception. It follows a conventional pattern of functionality. Once it gains access to your operating system, it immediately starts doing its dirty work. Just before starting the encryption procedure it scans your entire hard drive to determine which content it will affect. As you can guess, right after that, it starts locking your data. In a few minutes, this ransomware will lock almost all data on your computer. Each affected files is locked with an incredibly powerful algorithm, which means that manual decryption is not a viable option to solve your problems. Also, locked files will be tagged with the .[].pain extension. Once all of that is done the malware in question drops a ransom note, which informs you about what has happened. Besides that, you are asked to contact developers of this ransomware application for further information on how you can regain access to your data. We highly advise you to refrain from doing so because cyber crooks will try to trick you into paying for decryption services. Keep in mind that even if you pay up, there are no guarantees that your data will be unlocked because malware developers are not legally bound to do so in any way. Make sure to execute a complete removal of PainLocker Ransomware without any hesitation. Do so without encountering any major problems, by following the instructions below.

If you consider yourself to be a security-conscious user who wants to have a safe operating system, you must take preventative measures. Malware experts at our internal labs highly advise you to make backups of your hard drive regularly. Doing so is critical because those backups could be used if your computer is ever infected with a ransomware program. To reduce the risk of infecting your operating system, you need to practice safe browsing habits at all times. That means you must bypass all unauthorized download sites, which often host bundled installers. Such setup files are infamous for being filled with questionable and otherwise suspicious programs. Likewise, we recommend staying away from all emails and email attachments that come your way from unsuspecting third-parties because it could prove to be a part of a spam email campaign used for distribution. Also, remember to learn as much as you can about any program before downloading and installing it on your computer. Doing so is vital since malware developers trick naive Internet users with manipulative marketing techniques. Finally, it is essential to understand that a reliable antimalware tool is the most important part of your virtual security since it can detect and delete anything associated with PainLocker Ransomware automatically.

It should be self-evident that you must remove PainLocker Ransomware at the very same instance that it is found up and running on your operating system. Follow the instructions below to delete this malicious piece of software in its entirety. Keep in mind that it is critical to note that only a complete removal will stop this ransomware from doing its dirty work. If unfortunately, you fail to terminate it entirely, leftovers of PainLocker Ransomware could act deviously. For example, its traces could be enough for it to continue working. In other situations, leftovers could be used to restore PainLocker Ransomware silently. To be sure that the removal procedure has been successful, make sure to recheck your entire operating system for anything associated with PainLocker Ransomware as soon as you are done with the instructions below.

How to remove PainLocker Ransomware from your computer

  1. Open your File Explorer.
  2. Navigate to C:\Users\(your username)\Downloads.
  3. Right-click the malicious .exe file and select Delete. Note that the name of this file is randomized.
  4. Close your File Explorer.
  5. Right-click your Recycle Bin and select Empty Recycle Bin.
Download Remover for PainLocker Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

PainLocker Ransomware Screenshots:

PainLocker Ransomware

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