Odveta Ransomware Removal Guide

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No one would ever want to get infected with the likes of Odveta Ransomware. Unfortunately, users often underestimate how crafty malware owners are. The truth is that users often install these dangerous infections on their computers willingly. Once that happens, they are left to deal with a crippled computer on their own. You can remove Odveta Ransomware without too much difficulty if you follow the manual removal guidelines below this description. However, please bear in mind that it might be too challenging to recover your files, so you have to be ready for the worst.

How does this infection reach your computer? Well, Odveta Ransomware seems to be following the footsteps of its predecessors. This program belongs to the Ouroboros Ransomware family, and it is very similar to Angus Ransomware and Kronos Ransomware. However, the problem with ransom families is that we cannot use the same public decryption tool across different infections. Thus, even though some programs from this group have public decryption tools, Odveta Ransomware cannot be decrypted yet. It is highly unfortunate, especially if you do not have a file backup. That is why it is strongly recommended to address a professional for all the possible file recovery options.

Also, you should avoid opening spam email attachments that come from unknown senders. Spam messages, whether they come through email or other channels, tend to sound urgent. They want to push you into taking unnecessary action. Hence, you need to ignore such messages and delete them, no questions asked. However, if you feel that the file MIGHT be important, you can always scan it with a security tool of your choice before you open it. If the file is malicious, the security tool will notify you about it, and you will be able to delete it immediately.

However, not all users are that lucky. Odveta Ransomware still manages to enter a lot of systems worldwide and encrypt multiple files. Once the encryption is complete, Odveta Ransomware adds a long extension to all the filenames of encrypted data. As if the encryption weren’t enough, Odveta Ransomware also stamps all the files with its “label.” The extension comes with the email address you should use to contact the criminals behind this infection. However, you should know by now that contacting the criminals often does not solve anything. They might as well just collect the ransom payment and scram without issuing the decryption key.

Nevertheless, Odveta Ransomware tries to convince you that the only way to restore your files is by paying the ransom fee. It says so in the ransom note. Here’s an extract for it:

All Your Files Has Been Locked
They Cant Get Restore or Decrypted Without Decryption Key + Tool
You Have 2days to Decide to Pay
after 2 Days Decryption Price will be Double
And after 1 week it will be triple Try to Contact late and You will know

As you can see, the tone of the ransom note is quite daunting, but it doesn’t say exactly how much you are supposed to pay for the decryption. What’s more, the fact that it gives two email addresses for contact shows that you might not be always able to contact these criminals. Hence, it is for the best to simply ignore this message and remove the infection right now.

If you do not want to remove Odveta Ransomware manually, you can invest in a licensed antispyware application that will terminate the infection for you automatically. However, please bear in mind that it might take a while to retrieve your files, especially if you do not have a file backup. Do not hesitate to address a professional for more options.

How to Delete Odveta Ransomware

  1. Press Win+R and the Run prompt will open.
  2. Type %APPDATA% into the Open box. Click OK.
  3. Open Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup.
  4. Remove the Winlogon.exe file.
  5. Use SpyHunter to run a full system scan.
Download Remover for Odveta Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Odveta Ransomware Screenshots:

Odveta Ransomware


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