NSB Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

You do not want NSB Ransomware invading your operating system because if it succeeds, your personal files could be permanently corrupted. Once in place, this malware can use a complicated encryption algorithm to mess your personal files up. At the time of research, a legitimate free decryptor did not exist, which means that corrupted files were not decryptable. The victims of this malicious infection can get out of the situation without serious consequences only if they have their personal files backed up. Hopefully, you used cloud storage and removable drives to secure your files before the infection invaded the system. If you did not, you might be in quite a predicament. Unfortunately, at this time, there isn’t much anyone could do to help you restore corrupted files. That being said, even if your files are lost, you need to get the control of your operating system back into your hands. You should start by deleting NSB Ransomware. You might think this is impossible to do because your computer is paralyzed by the National Security Bureau, but we can assure you that there is a way to remove this malware.

The name “National Security Bureau” is represented in the name of NSB Ransomware, which is why it is also recognized as the National Security Bureau Ransomware. There’s one more name – Virlock Ransomware. It represents the predecessor of the infection we are discussing in this report. All variants of this malware act the same, and they all attach the same extension (“.exe”) to the files that are corrupted. Unfortunately, you cannot check which files were encrypted because the ransomware locks the screen and makes it impossible for you to access the operating system. Our researchers have found that you can close the screen-locker window using the Alt+Tab combination, but that will not restore the Task Manager and RUN utilities, which the infection disables. Access to the Start menu is disabled as well. The main goal here is to make you pay attention to the window displayed by NSB Ransomware because if you are tricked into believing the message delivered via it, you are more likely to pay a bogus fine. We have to warn right away that the fine is fictitious and that you should not pay it under any circumstances.

Have you created, downloaded, or shared copyrighted content? If you have, you have committed cyber crime, and so the message displayed by NSB Ransomware might not seem so out of the ordinary. However, if you have not committed any crimes, the demands should be very surprising, and it should be much easier for you to realize that they are fictitious. According to the message, a fine of 250 USD must be paid in Bitcoins to a special Bitcoin wallet address. It is stated that if the fine is not paid, the alleged criminal would be facing charges that could result in prison time and huge penalties. First of all, your system would not be locked, and fines would not be presented in such a manner if you were found to be guilty. Second, the NSB, FBI, Homeland Security, and other similar agencies are not using crypto-currency to collect fines; at least, not yet. That should help you realize that you need to remove malware instead of paying alleged fines.

Do you know how to reboot your Windows operating system to Safe Mode/Safe Mode with Networking? If you do not, the manual removal of NSB Ransomware might appear to be very intimidating. Unfortunately, there is no way around this. We advise employing anti-malware software to automatically delete the malicious threat and to reinstate full-time protection against malware. Even in this situation, you still need to reboot your system; specifically to Safe Mode with Networking. Manual removal can be performed via Safe Mode. If you have any trouble with the removal process, do not hesitate to contact us via the comments section because our goal is to help you delete NSB Ransomware successfully. For future reference, remember that your operating system is vulnerable, and so implementing the right security tools is crucial. It is also very important to back up files to ensure that copies exist even if malware corrupts the originals.

Step I: reboot Windows

Windows 10 or Windows 8

  1. Restart the computer and wait for BIOS to load.
  2. Start tapping F8 on the keyboard, and if the boot options menu does not load, force restart the PC 3 times.
  3. Choose See advanced repair options, move to Troubleshoot, and click Advanced options.
  4. Choose Startup Settings and then click Restart.
  5. Pick Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Networking and wait for the system to reboot.

Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP

  1. Restart the computer and wait for BIOS to load.
  2. Start tapping F8 on the keyboard to access the boot options menu.
  3. Pick Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Networking and wait for the system to reboot.

Step II: delete NSB Ransomware

  1. Right-click and Delete the malicious [unknown name].exe file that is the launcher.
  2. Simultaneously tap Win+E keys to launch Windows Explorer.
  3. Enable hidden folders (Windows 10/8: View -> Options -> View -> Show hidden files, folders, and drives -> Apply. Windows 7: Organize -> Folder and search options -> View -> Show hidden files, folders, and drives -> Apply).
  4. Type %ALLUSERSPROFILE% into the bar at the top and then tap Enter.
  5. Right-click and Delete the [random name1] and [random name2] folders containing malicious .exe files.
  6. Type %USERPROFILE% into the bar at the tip and tap Enter.
  7. Right-click and Delete the [random name] folder containing a malicious .exe file.
  8. Simultaneously tap Win+R to launch RUN and then enter regedit.exe.
  9. Go to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
  10. Right-click and Delete the [random name].exe value that is associated with a malicious .exe file in steps 4-5.
  11. In Registry Editor go to HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
  12. Right-click and Delete the [random name].exe value that is associated with a malicious .exe file in steps 6-7.
  13. Empty Recycle Bin to complete the process.
  14. Install a trusted malware scanner to inspect your operating system for leftovers.
Download Remover for NSB Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

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