Removal Guide

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Category: Browser Hijackers is a Brazilian search engine which might replace your homepage and search provider if you install some kind of application via Apps Installer SL. This search engine does not differ from other trustworthy search providers, so many computer users decide to keep it. Actually, our security experts definitely not recommend doing that because is an unreliable search engine which might even cause harm to your computer. Unfortunately, it is not very easy to get rid of The security experts at will explain you how to remove this search engine from your browsers. In order to get more information, you should definitely read through this article.

It might seem that is a very useful search engine because it provides easy-access links to all the most popular websites. In addition, you will even see the weather forecast every time you launch it. Unfortunately, there are more drawbacks than benefits related to this search engine, so we suggest getting rid of it as soon as possible. It is not advisable to use this search engine because it shows various ads and might provide users with unreliable third-party links. Nobody knows where these links and ads are going to route you, so we highly recommend ignoring them all.

There are many similar search engines, for instance,,, and, so if you ever notice any of them in the place of your regular homepage and search provider, you should get rid of them as quickly as possible. In order to prevent browser hijackers from entering your system in the future, you should install an antimalware tool on your computer. In addition, you should not agree with the installation of suspicious applications. Last but not least, the security experts at advise you not to click on advertisements which appear on file-sharing, torrent, and similar websites.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to remove search engine via Control Panel. Luckily, we still know how to get rid of it. You can find our manual removal instructions below the article. You can also quickly remove automatically. If you decide to leave all the work for an antimalware tool, you should make sure that you install a reliable security application on your computer. In our opinion, SpyHunter is one of the best antimalware tools available, so we recommend using it. It will not only remove, but will also prevent future infections from entering your system. Of course, you should not forget to keep it enabled.


Internet Explorer

  1. Launch your browser and tap Alt+T.
  2. Select Internet Options.
  3. Open the Advanced tab and click Reset.
  4. Mark Delete personal settings and click the Reset button.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Launch your browser and tap Alt+H.
  2. Select Troubleshooting Information.
  3. Click Reset Firefox (or Refresh Firefox).
  4. Click the button with the same name in the dialog box.

Google Chrome

  1. Launch your browser and tap Alt+F.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Click Show advanced settings.
  4. Click Reset browser settings.
  5. Click the Reset button.
Download Remover for *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter. Screenshots:


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