Mogranos Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

It might be hard to believe, but opening emails is not always safe. Mogranos Ransomware proves it. According to our malware research team, this dangerous infection could be distributed via spam emails, and its launcher could be introduced to unsuspecting victims as a harmless file attachment. Of course, other methods of distribution could be employed as well, and so we cannot say that this malware is completely predictable. That being said, in most cases, victims are likely to be tricked into executing this threat themselves. The same is true for Darus Ransomware, Kiratos Ransomware, and all other malicious threats from the STOP Ransomware family. All of these infections are basically identical, but there are some distinctive features, and we discuss them further in the report. Ultimately, if any of these threats invade your system, your personal files should be encrypted, and decrypting them is not always possible. If you just delete Mogranos Ransomware, your files are definitely not going to be restored.

Have you found the “.mogranos” extension appended to the original names of your documents, photos, and other personal files that cannot be replaced that easily? If you have, Mogranos Ransomware is the culprit of this mess. You are in luck if your personal files have backup copies, in which case, you can easily replace the corrupted files once the malicious infection is removed. It is also possible that a free decryptor exists, but if you decide to look for it, make sure you are careful. Cyber criminals exploit every opportunity they get, and since free decryptors are on high demand these days – which is due to the growing number of ransomware infections – the supply of fake tools is likely to be high as well. Of course, the attackers behind Mogranos Ransomware offer their own decryptor, and trusting it is a very risky thing. Once files are encrypted, you should find the “_readme.txt” file placed somewhere close by. Inside the file, you can find a message suggesting that all files can be restored with the help of a “decrypt tool and unique key.” This is what makes victims delay the removal of the infection.

We cannot confirm that the decryptor offered by Mogranos Ransomware exists or that it is provided to every victim who pays the ransom. According to the message inside the “_readme.txt” file, the ransom is $490 for 72 hours, after which, it increases to $980. Compared to some other infections, Mogranos Ransomware provides the victim with a lot of time to think things through and research the infection. This is in our favor. When victims are rushed to do something, they might pay the ransom without any consideration. Unfortunately, that is unlikely to get anyone anywhere. If you believe that cyber criminals would act exactly as promised, you must not be familiar with how cyber criminals work. They cheat, they lie, and they make bogus claims and promises just to get what they want. In this case, it is money, and they know that victims need a decryptor, and so they promise to give it to them in return for the ransom. To find out how to pay it, you are supposed to send a message @datarestore via Telegram or send an email to or If you take this step, note that the attackers could try to scam you again, and your inbox could get flooded with new malicious file attachments.

Although your files will not be recovered once you remove Mogranos Ransomware, this infection must be destroyed. Hopefully, you can find a working, free decryptor to restore files, or you can use backups as replacements. Before that, let’s figure out how to delete Mogranos Ransomware. If you are more interested in manual removal, we have to warn you that the task is not easy. The very first step might present an impossible hurdle because the file that launched the infection is in an unknown location, and its name is unknown too. Since most victims are likely to have problems successfully eliminating this infection, the most logical thing to do is to install an anti-malware program that can erase existing threats automatically. Of course, it might be more important to install it to have the system protected because without protection it is more likely to be attacked by malware again.

How to delete Mogranos Ransomware

  1. Delete the .exe file that launched the malicious infection.
  2. Find and Delete every single copy of the _readme.txt file.
  3. Tap Win+R to launch Run and then enter regedit into the dialog box.
  4. In Registry Editor, move to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
  5. Delete the value that was set up by the infection.
  6. Tap Win+E to launch Explorer and enter %WINDIR%\System32\Tasks\ into the box at the top.
  7. Delete the task named Time Trigger Task.
  8. Enter %LOCALAPPDATA% (on Windows XP, %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\) into the box at the top.
  9. Delete the file named script.ps1 and malicious folders that contain malicious .exe files.
  10. Empty Recycle Bin and then perform a thorough system scan using a reliable mal ware scanner.
Download Remover for Mogranos Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.


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