MnuBot RAT Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

MnuBot RAT is a harmful malicious application that might affect any user with an unprotected computer. It is not an ordinary infection that brings problems to users. Instead, it is Delphi-based malware that has been developed to steal sensitive information from users’ computers. As malware analysts have observed, its main task is to steal banking information, so if it ever happens that it slithers onto your computer and you do not remove it soon, it might cause you serious privacy-related problems. The removal of MnuBot RAT will not be easy since this infection drops more than one component on the affected computer, but we promise to help you get rid of it. Continue reading to find out more about this infection and its removal.

Specialists say that MnuBot RAT is a good example of sophisticated malware. Unlike ordinary infections, it implements a two-stage attack on affected computers. First, it checks whether Desk.txt is available in the %APPDATA% directory. If the file exists, the malicious application does not do anything else. That is, it does not perform any malicious activities; however, if it does not find this file there, it creates the file. Additionally, a new Desktop that runs side by side with the original Desktop is created. Without a doubt, the affected user’s Desktop is switched to Desktop created by malicious software. MnuBot RAT monitors that new Desktop. It looks for bank names that are listed in its configuration. If the bank name is found, it queries its C&C server for the executable file. Neon.exe is downloaded to the %PUBLIC% directory. Speaking about the C&C server, MnuBot RAT uses Microsoft SQL Server to communicate with it. It uses SQL server details to connect to the C&C server because it tries to stay undetected by the user.

Specialists at have no doubt that this malicious application has been developed to steal banking credentials because MnuBot RAT displays overlaying forms to trick victims into providing sensitive data. Of course, it seems that it is not the only malicious activity it performs on affected computers. Specialists also know that it might take screenshots of browsers and Desktop, log keystrokes, simulate users’ clicks and keystrokes, and, finally, restart the computer whenever it wants to. This infection focuses on stealing personal information, so the sooner you erase it from your computer, the better. We will talk about the entrance of this malicious application in the next paragraph and then we will provide you with more information about its removal.

We are not going to lie to you – the exact distribution method used to spread MnuBot RAT is unknown, but specialists know one thing for sure – this malicious application targets users living in Brazil mainly. Of course, we cannot promise that it will never slither onto your computer if you live far from this country because everything changes quickly in malware world. In other words, cyber criminals might decide to start distributing this infection in other countries as well. We have several pieces of advice that can help you to prevent all kinds of threats from entering your system. First, do not download malware from suspicious websites. Second, do not click on any random links you come across. Third, do not open any spam emails. Finally, to ensure the maximum system’s protection against various malicious applications, you should keep an antimalware tool enabled on your computer. It is a must, not a recommendation.

The MnuBot RAT removal might be quite complicated because it drops several malicious components on victims’ computers. We know that you will have to erase Neon.exe from %PUBLIC% and Desk.txt from %APPDATA%, but we cannot guarantee that these are the only files that will be created on your computer after the successful entrance of MnuBot RAT, so we highly recommend performing an in-depth scan with a powerful antimalware scanner as well. It will find and remove those MnuBot RAT files you know nothing about from the system in no time.

How to delete MnuBot RAT

  1. Open Press Win+E bo access Windows Explorer.
  2. Delete two files: Neon.exe from %PUBLIC% and Desk.txt from %APPDATA%.
  3. Empty Recycle bin.
Download Remover for MnuBot RAT *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

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