Meds Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

A single crack within your operating system’s security could help Meds Ransomware attack, which is why you need your system updated and secured at all times. You also need to be cautious about the most common methods that cybercriminals use to distribute ransomware. In most cases, that involves spam emails, unreliable downloaders, and various scams. If you are smart and vigilant, you should be able to recognize when someone is trying to trick you into executing malware. Unfortunately, sometimes threats are able to circumvent security systems, and highly misleading scams could be set up to fool even the most careful users. This is why it is crucial to have files backed up. Do not rely on a system restore point, and, instead, use virtual clouds or external drives to store backups. If backups exist, the malicious file-encrypting threat will not intimidate you. Hopefully, that is the case, and you can delete Meds Ransomware without any hesitation.

After successful execution, Meds Ransomware must have encrypted all of your personal files without your notice. Of course, once encrypted, the files cannot be opened normally, and the “.meds” extension is appended to their names, and so you are bound to uncover the attack sooner or later. Before you realize that your files were encrypted, you might discover a file named “_readme.txt.” This file should be dropped to the local disk, but copies might be placed in other locations too. The message inside this file informs that all files can be restored using a unique key and a decryption tool. The attackers behind Meds Ransomware suggest sending them one file, so that they could prove that the key and tool work, but even if the file is returned to you decrypted, you cannot trust the attackers completely. Most likely, your files will never be fully decrypted. Of course, the attackers want you to believe that you can purchase an effective decryption tool, and, according to the message, it costs $490; or $980 after three days.

The attacker behind Meds Ransomware suggests sending them a test file, and the ransom note does not include details regarding the payment. Therefore, you might decide to send them a message at or Our research team is well familiar with these email addresses because they have been linked to multiple other file-encrypting infections. All of them come from the STOP Ransomware family, and some of them include Dutan Ransomware, Zatrov Ransomware, Vesrato Ransomware, Cetori Ransomware, Masodas Ransomware, and Mogranos Ransomware. Removal guides for all of these infections are already available on our website. All of these infections deliver the exact same ransom note, all of them create C:\SystemID\PersonalID.txt, and all of them are installed to a unique folder in the %LOCALAPPDATA% directory. Basically, we know what to expect from these infections. Unfortunately, the victims who decide to communicate with the attackers behind them are unlikely to get what they want. Would you receive a decryptor after paying the ransom? In theory, you should, but in practice, you will not. This is why we want you to initiate the removal of the malicious threat right away.

Your operating system must be cleaned from malwar, and it must be protected against it too. This is why you should consider employing legitimate anti-malware software. It would automatically and simultaneously remove Meds Ransomware and secure your Windows operating system. Of course, even if your system is protected reliably, you still want to create backups of all of your personal files. When it comes to backups, replace the corrupted files with them only after you delete Meds Ransomware because you do not want your backups destroyed also. Another option is to delete the malicious threat manually, which, of course, is harder to do, but it is not impossible. The instructions you can see below list the components that must be removed, and if you choose this option, make sure that you scan your operating system afterward. Employ a trusted malware scanner, and it will let you know if there is anything else that you must remove.

How to delete Meds Ransomware

  1. Delete all recently downloaded suspicious files.
  2. Move to the Local Disk (C:).
  3. Delete a file named _readme.txt.
  4. Delete a folder named SystemID that should contain the PersonalID.txt file.
  5. Tap Win+E to launch Windows Explorer.
  6. Into the quick access field at the top, enter %LOCALAPPDATA% (enter %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\ on Windows XP).
  7. Delete a folder with a random name that contains ransomware files.
  8. Empty Recycle Bin.
  9. Install a malware scanner you can trust and then run a full system scan.
Download Remover for Meds Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Meds Ransomware Screenshots:

Meds Ransomware


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