Luxembourg Police Virus Removal Guide

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Once Luxembourg Police Virus enters the computer, your access to the desktop will be terminated and you will be presented with a single piece of text, supposedly sent to you by the Cybercriminalité Département. With this fictitious alert, schemers will try to convince you that you have broken a number of cyber security laws and that you need to pay a €100 fine. Regardless of the intimidating interface and the illicit employment of the familiar logos, the alert is completely bogus and you need to delete Luxembourg Police Virus right after you go through the report and find out the quickest way to remove the monstrous infection. First of all, take a second look at the fictitious notification that starts with:

Votre ordinateur a été bloque!
Le fonctionnement de votre ordinateur est arrêté pour les signes de la cyberacdvité défendue.

Even though the fake message lists all of the cyber crimes you allegedly have broken, you should not doubt it fictitiousness. The malignant Luxembourg Police Virus belongs to the group of vicious Ukash viruses threatening operating Windows systems all over the world and many of its forms have already been reported. Some of the best known infections that follow the same attack methods are the Federal Bureau of Investigation virus, the Ministere de L’interieur Virus, the GEMA virus, etc. These ransomware programs are spread out all over the world with reported attacks in Australia, the U.S., Canada, Asia and many European countries.

This time the virus is presented in French and is “embellished” with the Luxembourg’s coats of arms and flag. Despite this, you do not need to trust the fictitious accusations and ignore proclamations like “100% Paiement Sécurisé”. If you used Ukash and Paysafecard to pay the fine – your money would be lost for good. What is more, there is a chance that your payment would have no effect over your computer’s accessibility. Therefore, you need to figure out how to remove Luxembourg Police Virus and unlock your PC without wasting any of your money. Here is how you can achieve that within minutes:

  1. Restart the computer and keep pressing F8 (on the keyboard) until the white on black menu shows up.
  2. Using arrow keys and the Enter button on the keyboard, choose Safe Mode with Networking.
  3. Install legitimate security software that will automatically remove Luxembourg Police Virus. Downl0ad SpyHunter from
  4. Run the tool and, after the removal procedures are completed, restart the PC.

Those operating Windows XP systems will also need to reboot into Safe Mode with Networking and download SpyHunter. However, the application can only be run after the Startup programs are disabled, and you can do this by launching RUN (from the Start Menu), entering “msconfig”, clicking on the Startup tab and applying the Disable All option. Once these tasks are completed, you will need to restart the computer and install SpyHunter to have the virus deleted.

Download Remover for Luxembourg Police Virus *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Luxembourg Police Virus Screenshots:

Luxembourg Police Virus


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