.kraussmfz Ransomware File Extension Removal Guide

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Ransomware can go after individual Windows users, or it can invade a large network of interconnected systems. The .kraussmfz Ransomware File Extension infection was created to invade KRAUSS-MAFFEI. The company was first hit in November 2018, and it took a huge hit resulting in declined production. It took time, effort, and money to get all of the infected systems back up and running. Unfortunately, this is not the only company that was affected by this malware. One other company that dealt with the same consequences was CMS Nextech. Of course, when the systems belonging to this company were hit, the extension attached to the corrupted files was different. Although it is likely that KRAUSS-MAFFEI has already dealt with and forgotten about the attack, we want to analyze the infection in depth to show you how file-encrypting ransomware works. If you end up with questions on your mind after your are done reading about deleting .kraussmfz Ransomware File Extension malware or anything else related to the infection, please add them to the comments area for our malware experts to review.

IEncrypt Ransomware is the infection that added the .kraussmfz Ransomware File Extension to the files that belonged to KRAUSS-MAFFEI. To access the files, the attackers employed existing vulnerabilities or spam emails to execute the infection first. Right away, a copy of the malicious .exe file was created in the %WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ directory, and so even if the original file was removed, the copy could still be used to perform encryption. AES-256 and RSA-512 encryption keys were employed to corrupt files and encrypt the AES key, respectively. By doing this, the attackers ensured that decrypting files was not possible. Although the malicious ransomware was set up to avoid encrypting Microsoft and Windows files, it encrypted everything else, and it attached the .kraussmfz Ransomware File Extension to mark these files. The second marker was the ransom note created along with the corrupted files. A copy of this note was created for every individual file, and it took on the name of the corrupted file in this format: “{the name of the corrupted file}.kraussmfz_readme.” Needless to say, every single version of this file required removal.

Although the names of the ransom note files were different – due to the different names of the encrypted files – the message inside was always the same “Your network was hacked and encrypted. No free decryption software is available on the web. Email us at SARAH.BARRICK@PROTONMAIL.COM (or) LINDA.HARTLEY@TUTANOTA.COM to get the ransom amount.” Contacting the creators of malware is never a good idea because once connection is established, they can use the opportunity to trick victims into executing malware launchers and opening spam emails. Initially, of course, the attackers made demands for a ransom to be paid. Obeying the demands of cyber criminals is not recommended either. In this situation, it was claimed that as soon as the ransom was paid, the files with the .kraussmfz Ransomware File Extension would be restored. Unfortunately, there are no guarantees when it comes to cyber criminals. Also, considering that there aren’t many recorded instances when ransomware creators would help victims recover files, expecting anything from IEncrypt Ransomware would have been a terrible mistake.

Once the malicious ransomware was analyzed, it was discovered that some of its components were hiding as a .NET service. In general, the infection does not have an intricate structure, and it was possible to remove .kraussmfz Ransomware File Extension malware manually. The guide below lists the components that required removal. Of course the security team at KRAUSS-MAFFEI, most likely, employed anti-malware software to have all operating systems back up and running. It probably took longer to recover corrupted files from backup, if they had it. It is important to mention backups here. Whether you are a big company or an individual Windows user, backups are necessary because there are plenty of infections that can corrupt files permanently. If backups exist, nothing can touch you, and that is something to keep in mind when figuring out Windows protection. Implementing anti-malware software, without a doubt, is important too because it is your best defense against all kinds of malware, not just ransomware.

How to delete .kraussmfz Ransomware File Extension

  1. Right-click and Delete the {random}.exe launcher of the infection.
  2. Right-click and Delete the ransom note files ({the name of the corrupted file}.kraussmfz_readme).
  3. Access Explorer (tap Win+E keys) and enter %WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64 into the bar at the top.
  4. Right-click and Delete the folder named v4.0.30319 (the name could be different).
  5. Access Registry Editor (launch Run by tapping Win+R keys and enter regedit into the dialog box).
  6. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\.
  7. Delete the key named clr_optimization_v4.0.30319_64 (the name could be different).
  8. Empty Recycle Bin and then immediately employ a legitimate malware scanner to inspect your system.
Download Remover for .kraussmfz Ransomware File Extension *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

.kraussmfz Ransomware File Extension Screenshots:

.kraussmfz Ransomware File Extension

.kraussmfz Ransomware File Extension technical info for manual removal:

Files Modified/Created on the system:

# File Name File Size (Bytes) File Hash
11380962919569.jpg.kraussmfz_readme1024 bytesMD5: 6d310425b11a9ee9c19781784f465b5e
2mscorsvw.exe204800 bytesMD5: 02ade94c4b5bd3295d775a6d48a968c2

Memory Processes Created:

# Process Name Process Filename Main module size
1mscorsvw.exemscorsvw.exe204800 bytes


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