Koti Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

Koti Ransomware is a vicious threat that targets users’ pictures, documents, and other valuable files. To be more precise, the malicious application encrypts them with a strong encryption algorithm, which makes affected files unreadable. If your computer cannot read your files, it also cannot open them. The only way to restore encrypted data is to use decryption tools on it. Unfortunately, hackers might be the only ones who have tools that could restore all your files. As usual, the ransomware creators ask to pay ransom to receive them. The reason we recommend against doing it is because it is risky. There is a possibility you could lose your money for nothing. You can learn more about this malicious application by reading our full report. For users who decide to erase Koti Ransomware we can also offer our deletion instructions located below this text.

The first thing we would like to discuss about Koti Ransomware is where it might come from. Our specialists say that it could be spread through malicious attachments, software installers, and other data from unreliable sources. For example, the malware’s launcher could be found on unreliable file-sharing websites or it could reach targeted victims via spam emails.

Thus, to protect your computer from such threats you should avoid untrustworthy web pages as well as pop-ups or ads that could lead you to them. Also, we highly recommend inspecting all files coming from the Internet before opening them, especially if you sense that something might be wrong. For instance, you could scan questionable files with a reliable antimalware tool.

Koti Ransomware is based on a malicious application known as Stop Ransomware, which is why it works more or less the same as other threats from the Stop Ransomware family. At first, it should encrypt files that are not associated with the infected computer’s operating system or other software. In other words, it should encrypt your personal data. To recognize enciphered files, you should look for an additional extension named .koti at the end of your files’ names.

As soon as all targeted files get encrypted, the malicious application should create a document called _readme.txt that could be placed on Desktop or elsewhere. The ransom note should say that you can purchase decryption tools for 980 or 490 US dollars if you contact the hackers behind Koti Ransomware in 72 hours. The note should also suggest sending a chosen file for free decryption. It is vital to understand that no matter what hackers promise or do, there are no guarantees that you will receive the decryption tools. Thus, we advise not to rush and think carefully if you really want to risk losing your money.

Lastly, we advise removing Koti Ransomware from your system. Even though it may have encrypted the files you currently have on your computer, it does not mean that it cannot keep encrypting new data that you create or download if you leave the malware be. As you see, the malicious application has the ability to auto start with the operating system. Therefore, if you do not want to take any chances, we recommend deleting Koti Ransomware with a reliable antimalware tool. You could try to erase it manually with our provided removal instructions too, but keep in mind that we cannot guarantee that they will work for everyone.

Get rid of Koti Ransomware

  1. Click Ctrl+Alt+Delete.
  2. Pick Task Manager and go to the Processes tab.
  3. Check if there is a process belonging to the ransomware.
  4. Select it and press the End Task button.
  5. Close Task Manager.
  6. Press Win+E.
  7. Navigate to these directories:
  8. Find the ransomware’s installer (suspicious recently downloaded file), right-click it, and select Delete.
  9. Navigate to:
    %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data
  10. Locate folders with long titles that are made from random characters, for example, 69f9er764-59f4-687a-4r16-7w20uc6f6omp.
  11. Right-click such folders and press Delete.
  12. Find documents called _readme.txt, right-click them, and select Delete.
  13. Go to: %WINDIR%\System32\Tasks
  14. Locate a task belonging to the threat, e.g., Time Trigger Task.
  15. Right-click the suspicious task and press Delete.
  16. Exit File Explorer.
  17. Press Win+R.
  18. Type Regedit and click Enter.
  19. Go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  20. Find a value name belonging to the malware, e.g., SysHelper, right-click it, and choose Delete to erase it.
  21. Close Registry Editor.
  22. Empty Recycle Bin.
  23. Restart your computer.
Download Remover for Koti Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Koti Ransomware Screenshots:

Koti Ransomware


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