Kodc Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

We have lost track of how many file-encrypting threats we have analyzed, but the avalanche keeps on going. Kodc Ransomware is the most recent file-encryptor to be analyzed in our internal lab, and just by looking at its code, we can tell right away that it belongs to the STOP Ransomware family. Have you heard this name before? We have because the STOP Ransomware open-source code has been used to build Leto Ransomware, Mosk Ransomware, Msop Ransomware, and an array of other infections that we have had the “pleasure” of dealing with. If it were up to us, cybercriminals would stop creating new ransomware threats today, but that is unlikely to happen any time soon because it does not take effort to build ransomware, and the attacks of this malware are relatively lucrative. The only good news is that with more threats emerging, Windows users are becoming more and more aware of how to secure their systems and personal files. Hopefully, you too can protect your system, but if you need to delete Kodc Ransomware, we are here to help.

Remote system vulnerabilities, spam email attachments, and unreliable downloaders are usually exploited by the threats from the STOP Ransomware family. Undoubtedly, these are the security backdoors that are most likely to be used for the distribution of Kodc Ransomware as well. If your Windows operating system is not protected reliably, and if you are not careful, this malware can slither in without notice. If it does, all of your personal files are encrypted, and the “.kodc” extension is appended to their names. This is where the name of the threat comes from. Unfortunately, if you remove the extension or even if you remove the threat itself, your personal files will not be restored. To restore them, you need a decryptor. Malware experts have released a STOP Decryptor, but it only decrypts files that were encrypted with an offline key, and not all variants are decryptable. That being said, if you are desperate, you should at least try using the tool to decrypt your files. Of course, you have to be careful when downloading the tool because you could easily face fictitious versions created by cybercriminals if you were not careful.

If you cannot decrypt the files corrupted by Kodc Ransomware for free, you should think if you have copies of your personal files. Whether you store them online or on external drives, as long as copies exist outside the affected operating system, you should be able to use them as replacements. Needless to say, do that only after you remove Kodc Ransomware and can guarantee that your operating system is malware-free. If you do not have copies, the attackers behind the infection might convince you to pay for the tool offered by them. Just like most STOP Ransomware infections, the Kodc variant drops a file named “_readme.txt” to inform that you can purchase a decryptor that costs $490 to get your files fully restored. Can you trust the attackers to provide you with the tool? Of course, you cannot, which is why we do not recommend emailing them to helpmanager@firemail.cc and helpmanager@iran.ir to get more details about the payment. If you contact them, you will expose yourself to new attacks, and if you pay the ransom, you will waste your money because a decryptor is unlikely to be provided to you in return.

Now that you have all the information about Kodc Ransomware, all that is left for you to do is to remove this dangerous infection. Can you do it manually? If you can find the executable that launched the infection, you should be able to perform manual removal successfully. If you cannot find the file, you ought to install anti-malware software that could scan your computer, automatically remove Kodc Ransomware, and also secure your entire Windows operating system at the same time. Remember that if your system remains unguarded, you could face any of the thousands of infections that are lurking online. Even if you implement comprehensive security software, we still advise using external backups to keep copies of your personal files safe. Hopefully, you will not face file-encrypting ransomware again, but you want to be prepared for anything.

How to delete Kodc Ransomware

  1. Delete the {unknown name}.exe file that represents the ransomware. Its location is random.
  2. Simultaneously tap Win+E keys on the keyboard to access Explorer.
  3. Enter %HOMEDRIVE% into the quick access field at the top to access the directory.
  4. Delete the folder named SystemID and then the file named _readme.txt.
  5. Enter %LOCALAPPDATA% (or %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\ if you run Windows XP) into quick access.
  6. Delete the {unknown name} folder that contains malware files.
  7. Enter %WINDIR%\System32\Tasks\ into quick access.
  8. If you find a task named Time Trigger Task, you should Delete it.
  9. Simultaneously tap Win+R keys to access Run.
  10. Enter regedit into the Run box and click OK to launch Registry Editor.
  11. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
  12. Delete the value named SysHelper and then exit Registry Editor.
  13. Empty Recycle Bin and install a malware scanner to check for potential malware leftovers.
Download Remover for Kodc Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Kodc Ransomware Screenshots:

Kodc Ransomware
Kodc Ransomware


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