Kingouroboros Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

You should not ignore the message represented by the malicious Kingouroboros Ransomware. Without a doubt, we do not recommend following the instructions that are represented via it, but you cannot ignore the existence of this malicious threat. It is unlikely that you could do it even if you wanted to because this malware encrypts your personal files, which renders them unreadable. If you cannot read a file, it becomes completely useless, of course. You might hope that you can recover photos, videos, documents, or other kinds of files that were encrypted, but no one can guarantee this. The only option you have right now is to pay the ransom, and there are no guarantees here. Cyber criminals could provide you with a decryptor, but they could also disappear the moment the ransom payment is transferred to their Bitcoin wallet. It is unlikely that you could guess the decryption key either. You might also hope that you will have your files restored as soon as you delete Kingouroboros Ransomware, but that is not how encryptors work. The only thing you can do is remove this malware before it corrupts your files, and you are unlikely to realize that this is even necessary.

Kingouroboros Ransomware might be introduced to you as a Java updater. The message about the allegedly necessary update could be sent to you via spam email, or you could face it by visiting unreliable websites. In any case, if you launch the fake updater, the ransomware is executed silently, and if you do not delete it right there and then, you will not be able to stop it later. When the infection encrypts files, it also changes their names by including “.king_ouroboros” right before the original extension of the file (e.g., “wallpaper.king_ouroboros.jpg”). Can you remove this additional extension? You sure can, but there is no point it doing that. Kingouroboros Ransomware is based on CryptoWire Ransomware, and the encryptor is strong. Since there are no options, you might start thinking that the one offered via the ransom note is worth thinking about. According to our research team, the ransom note is launched from the executable file, and it is represented via a window called “Delta.” You can close this window to check which files were corrupted, but if you do that, you might be unable to access the message represented via it again. Needless to say, you need to weigh every move you make when it comes to this malware.

The creator of Kingouroboros Ransomware wants you to pay $50 for a “decryption key.” If you choose to make the payment, you would have to purchase Bitcoins and then contact the creator of the ransomware by emailing them your ID (provided via the ransom note) at After that, you should receive information on where to send the money in Bitcoins, and only then a decryptor would be delivered. Of course, we cannot say whether things would go according to plan. Although the expectation is that you would be able to decrypt your files after paying the ransom, more likely nothing would change. Is this how you want to waste your money? We are sure that it is not, and so you need to think carefully if the risk is worth taking, or if you should just accept the fact that your files were lost. Of course, it would be ideal if you had your files backed up, in which case, you should not postpone the removal of Kingouroboros Ransomware for any longer.

You have the option to delete Kingouroboros Ransomware manually using the instructions below. Note that if you cannot find the launcher of this malware in the location that our research team found it to land, you will find it someplace else. If you cannot find the file at all, you should employ an anti-malware program. The researchers in our team agree that everyone should install this program. Why? First of all, it can remove Kingouroboros Ransomware and other threats automatically. However, it is most important that it can offer reliable protection against malicious threats. Needless to say, if you do not take care of that, it is only a matter of time when you face new infections.

Kingouroboros Ransomware Removal

  1. Tap Win+E to launch Windows Explorer.
  2. Enter the path of the directory into the field at the top and then Delete the malicious file:
    • %COMMONPROGRAMFILES% | [random].exe
    • %COMMONPROGRAMFILES(x86)% | [random].exe
    • %WINDIR%\Tasks\ | [random].job
    • %WINDIR%\System32\Tasks\ | [random]
  3. Empty Recycle Bin and then quickly install a trusted malware scanner.
  4. Perform a full system scan and if anything malicious is found, remove it immediately.
Download Remover for Kingouroboros Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Kingouroboros Ransomware Screenshots:

Kingouroboros Ransomware
Kingouroboros Ransomware

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