KEYPASS Ransomware Removal Guide

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It is not difficult to find out about the entrance of KEYPASS Ransomware because this particular infection locks files and appends .KEYPASS to all of them. The extension it uses distinguishes it from a bunch of other ransomware infections that encrypt files on affected computers, so you can be sure that KEYPASS Ransomware is the infection that has slithered onto your computer and made modifications on it if you can see this extension and it is no longer possible to access a single personal file on the system. The ransomware infection must be removed right away. We can promise that it will be a piece of cake to do this because the ransomware infection deletes itself leaving only its ransom note dropped on the affected computer. Of course, you will also have to take care of the malicious file you have launched as well. We want to inform you in advance that your files will stay encrypted no matter what you do. Believe us; purchasing a decryptor from cyber criminals is not the best solution to the problem either – you do not know whether you will really get it, and, on top of that, it might turn out that it is completely useless.

KEYPASS Ransomware has been programmed to lock data, so do not expect that it will leave your files intact if you ever encounter it. As researchers have observed, the ransomware infection locks almost all files discovered. Only web browsers and system files stay unencrypted. This is good news – you could download an antimalware scanner if you decide not to delete malware yourself manually, and your Windows OS will continue working normally. As mentioned at the beginning of the report, KEYPASS Ransomware appends the .KEYPASS extension, so it will surely not take long to find out which files have been encrypted. Once the ransomware infection finishes the encryption procedure, it also drops !!!KEYPASS_DECRYPTION_INFO!!!.txt, which is one of the clearest signs showing that KEYPASS Ransomware has affected the system. You will be explained that files have new extensions because they have been encrypted: “All your files, documents, photos, databases and other important files are encrypted and have the extension: KEYPASS.”  Also, you will find out how these affected files can be fixed. Unfortunately, cyber criminals provide no other solutions except one – users are offered to purchase the special decryption tool. It costs 300 USD, which is quite expensive, especially if we take into account the fact that there are no guarantees that it will be sent to the victim. Make sure you decide whether or not to buy it within 72 hours – the price will increase after the given time.

You cannot keep KEYPASS Ransomware active on your computer because this infection might also steal personal information from you. It has been observed that this threat can also log keystrokes. In other words, whatever you type using your keyboard, including your passwords, logins, your bank account number, and other sensitive information may fall into hackers’ lap in no time. There is probably no need to say that this might result in serious problems related to your privacy. You might even experience identity theft!

It seems that ransomware infections are mainly spread via email attachments, so do not go anywhere near attachments sent to you by people you do not know. You should also always remember that malware might hide behind beneficial-looking software you are about to download, especially if it is available on a random P2P or torrent website.

KEYPASS Ransomware should not lock your files again if you do not launch it and it does not restart its “malicious cycle”; however, it does not mean that it is safe to keep it installed because it, as mentioned, might steal sensitive information in no time as well. The ransomware infection removes itself once files are locked, so you simply need to delete two components indicated in the manual removal guide below to clean your system. Keep in mind that some other threats might be active on your PC too, so it would be smart to scan the system with an antimalware tool.

Remove KEYPASS Ransomware

  1. Remove the ransom note dropped: !!!KEYPASS_DECRYPTION_INFO!!!.txt .
  2. Delete all recently downloaded suspicious files from the following directories:
  • %USERPROFILE%\Desktop
  • %USERPROFILE%\Downloads
  • %TEMP%
Download Remover for KEYPASS Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

KEYPASS Ransomware Screenshots:

KEYPASS Ransomware

KEYPASS Ransomware technical info for manual removal:

Files Modified/Created on the system:

# File Name File Size (Bytes) File Hash
1ee74c63faa2eb9709b1d738762e28072aece2e7b9eeffc5913eb6a5fd1564752.exe2958848 bytesMD5: 901d893f665c6f9741aa940e5f275952

Memory Processes Created:

# Process Name Process Filename Main module size
1ee74c63faa2eb9709b1d738762e28072aece2e7b9eeffc5913eb6a5fd1564752.exeee74c63faa2eb9709b1d738762e28072aece2e7b9eeffc5913eb6a5fd1564752.exe2958848 bytes

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