Kedi RAT Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

You have to make sure that Kedi RAT has not invaded your operating system because if it has, your own identity is at risk. Cyber criminals could use the infection to steal information that could be used to impersonate you online and, ultimately, hijack your virtual identity. This is very dangerous, and so you want to examine your operating system to make sure that you do not need to remove this remote-access Trojan. Do not make the mistake of assuming that your system is malware-free because anti-malware software is guarding it. As our research has revealed, the devious Trojan can circumvent such software, and even malware scanners can miss this threat. If you follow the guide below that explains how to delete Kedi RAT, you will learn which elements belong to the infection, as well as where to find them. Note that manual removal is not the only or even the best option you’ve got. If you continue reading, you will learn all you must know about this threat.

You must be wondering how Kedi RAT slithered into your operating system. While there might be several different methods used by the actors behind this remote-access Trojan, it was discovered that, initially, the infection was distributed using a phishing scam. An email is sent with a highly misleading message and from a potentially familiar-looking email address to trick users into executing malware without suspecting a thing. Opening spam emails is dangerous, and you should always be cautious about the messages sent to the Spam folder. That being said, you must be cautious about all messages in your inbox. Even the accounts of your friends and colleagues could be used to send malicious attachments and links if they were corrupted. This is something you have to beware of if the malicious Trojan is executed because it could record login of your email account, hijack it, and use it to send corrupted links sent from your own email address. All in all, the malicious Kedi RAT uses a disguise to enter the operating system, and if it manages to stay undetected, it is unlikely that you would remove it in time.

Kedi RAT can function as a keylogger because it records keystrokes. Additionally, the infection can take screenshots, and if it successfully records your keyboard input when logging into, for example, your online bank account, they can use the screen-grab to check which website you log into, as well as your username and other information you might have to enter. The same goes for email, social networking, and all other accounts you might be using. Depending on the information gathered, cyber attackers can perform different attacks – from making unauthorized transactions to sending spam emails from your own account. Speaking of emails, it was discovered that Kedi RAT can use Gmail’s server to send recorded data, which it does by sending an encoded message using the last unread email message. This is actually pretty impressive. Overall, this infection is dangerous and it can have long-lasting consequences.

You must be ready to remove Kedi RAT from your operating system, and the instructions you can see below should be helpful. According to our research team, if you eliminate the malicious .exe file named “reader_sl.exe,” as well as other components created by the Trojan, you should successfully get rid of it. What about the payload executed by this infection? This is why we suggest deleting Kedi RAT using anti-malware software. It will quickly scan your operating system to identify threats, and then it will erase them all automatically. Anti-malware software can also function, as… anti-malware. Without a doubt, you want strong, up-to-date, and legitimate security software protecting your operating system against remote-access Trojans and other kinds of malicious threats; and there are plenty of those. All in all, whichever removal method you choose, make sure your operating system is clean at the end. If you need help or answers to your questions, use the comments section below.

How to delete Kedi RAT

  1. Launch Explorer by tapping keys Win+E.
  2. Into the field at the top, enter %APPDATA%.
  3. Open the sub-folder named adobe.
  4. Delete reader_sl.exe and reader_sl.lck files, as well as the Screenshots folder.
  5. Into the field at the top, enter %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup.
  6. Delete the file named reader_sl.exe.
  7. Right-click the recycle bin and choose Empty Recycle Bin.
  8. Use a legitimate malware scanner to inspect the system for leftovers. If they exist, remove them ASAP.
Download Remover for Kedi RAT *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

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