ibrowsersearch.com Removal Guide

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Category: Browser Hijackers

ibrowsersearch.com is a suspicious search provider that might alter your Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome settings one day. To be more specific, you might find your default search provider changed. Specialists say that this search provider is, technically, not a browser hijacker even though so many users say that they have found it set on their browsers without their knowledge. According to them, it is more likely that the appearance of ibrowsersearch.com on users’ browsers is a result of the installation of a suspicious application or a browser extension. If you have found ibrowsersearch.com set without your knowledge, you should inspect all extensions listed in the extensions manager and check all applications you have recently installed on your computer – there is huge possibility that one of them is directly associated with ibrowsersearch.com. Delete it mercilessly if you manage to find it because this search provider will surely not remove itself from those affected browsers after some time.

Our specialists have thoroughly analyzed ibrowsersearch.com to find out whether or not it can be trusted. They can say now with confidence that this search provider is far from dangerous malware that can download and install new malicious software, steal sensitive information, or disable certain programs and PC utilities. As research has shown, it should show trustworthy search results too, but it does not mean that you should keep it set if it has changed your browsers’ settings without your knowledge and/or there is another search provider you like and want to use for all your web searches. Even though ibrowsersearch.com is not considered to be dangerous, our specialists cannot confirm that it can be trusted 100% because it contains a ton of links leading to external websites (“The iBrowserSearch site and search database contain a large number of links to external websites”) that are not controlled by the author of ibrowsersearch.com in any way. Because of this, we cannot promise that you will not be taken to untrustworthy websites if you use this search tool to perform your web searches.

If you make a decision to do completely nothing about the appearance of ibrowsersearch.com on your browser, you should know one more thing – it will automatically collect information about you. This search tool should not record any details that can identify you personally, but there is no doubt that it will collect some details that fall into the non-personally identifiable information category, including your IP address and demographic information. It promises not to disclose the recorded information to anyone, but we cannot guarantee that it will fulfill its promise because search providers usually share information about users with affiliates, partners, and even advertising networks.

ibrowsersearch.com is far from being a popular search provider, specialists say, so it is no likely at all that you have set it on your web browser consciously. Instead, if you have encountered this unpopular search provider, we believe that you have found your browser’s settings changed without your knowledge. According to specialists, users usually find suspicious search tools set on their web browsers because they install untrustworthy applications/extensions, so if you have recently installed new software downloaded from the web too, we are not surprised at all that you have found your default search provider altered. There are so many different search tools distributed by suspicious software, so we cannot promise that you will not find your browsers’ settings changed ever again. It does not mean that you cannot prevent this from happening. You should be able to prevent unauthorized changes by installing a security application, aka an antimalware tool on your computer. Of course, you must break your bad habits and behave more responsibly as well.

You should remove ibrowsersearch.com by deleting software that has set it on your browsers. Alternatively, you will no longer see it after you reset your web browsers to default. It is one of the two easiest solutions to this problem. The second one is scanning the system with an automated malware remover. The choice is yours.

Delete ibrowsersearch.com

Internet Explorer

  1. Start Internet Explorer.
  2. Press Alt+T and then click Internet Options.
  3. Open the Advanced tab.
  4. Click Reset.
  5. Put a tick in the box next to Delete personal settings.
  6. Click Reset one more time.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Start Mozilla Firefox and access the Help menu (press Alt+H).
  2. Select Troubleshooting information.
  3. Click Refresh Firefox.
  4. Click Refresh Firefox once again.

Google Chrome

  1. Launch Google Chrome.
  2. Tap Alt+F to open the menu.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Click Advanced at the bottom of the page.
  5. Under Reset, click the Reset button.
  6. Confirm the browser reset by clicking Reset in the pop-up window.
Download Remover for ibrowsersearch.com *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

ibrowsersearch.com Screenshots:


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