GusCrypter Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

GusCrypter Ransomware is your regular computer infection that is categorized as ransomware (which is obvious from its name). This program is more than capable of encrypting your personal files. It will make it seem as though it can decrypt the damaged files if you pay the ransom. However, evidence suggests that this program may not issue the decryption key in the first place. Therefore, you should remove GusCrypter Ransomware today by following the instructions below, and then safeguard your system against similar intruders in the future. After all, your system’s security should be one of your top priorities.

Like most of the malicious infections, GusCrypter Ransomware didn’t appear out of vacuum. This program is actually a new version of GusLocker Ransomware that was researched several months ago. Technically, both applications are almost identical, although the encryption extension they add to the affected files may differ.

GusCrypter Ransomware usually enters target systems through spam email attachments. Users who want to avoid such infections should be careful about the files the download from unfamiliar senders. In fact, sometimes it might seem that the sender is a reliable party (like an online store or some corporation), but if the email in question urges you to open file no matter what, you might want to scan the file with a security tool of your choice.

So the point is that GusCrypter Ransomware and other similar infections enter target computers just because users are negligent about their system’s safety. We might think that spam emails are not dangerous at all, but it is amazing how they still manage to trick a lot of users into doing what they want.

As a result, the likes of GusCrypter Ransomware get installed on users’ computers, and then ransomware programs successfully paralyze the affected systems. Luckily, most of the ransomware infections (as well as GusCrypter Ransomware) avoid encrypting system files. After all, they still need your computer to function properly so you could transfer the ransom fee. Hence, only your personal files will be encrypted.

Once the encryption is complete, this program will display the following ransom note:

All your files locked!


Email us

Write your ID at title of mail and country of body of mail and wait answer.

You have to pay some bitcoins to unlock your files!

Don’t try decrypt your files!

If you try to unlock your files, you may lose access to them!


As you can see, GusCrypter Ransomware is very eager to convince you that you have no other choice but to contact these criminals. However, if you have copies of your files saved on an external hard drive or a cloud drive, you might as well delete the encrypted data, and start anew. Just don’t forget to remove GusCrypter Ransomware as well.

If you think you cannot do that on your own, you can acquire a licensed antispyware tool that will scan your computer and remove all the malicious files for you automatically. After that, the security tool of your choice will safeguard your system against similar threats in the future.

How to Remove GusCrypter Ransomware

  1. Press Win+R and enter regedit. Press OK.
  2. Open HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
  3. On the right pane, right-click the REG_SZ value that has the C:\Users\user\DECRYPT.html value data.
  4. Delete the value and exit Registry Editor.
  5. Press Ctrl+Shfit+Esc and open Task Manager.
  6. Click the Processes tab.
  7. Select suspicious processes and click End Process.
  8. Delete unfamiliar files from Desktop.
  9. Open the Downloads folder and remove unfamiliar files.
  10. Press Win+R and enter %TEMP%. Press OK.
  11. Delete the most recent files.
  12. Run a full computer scan with SpyHunter.
Download Remover for GusCrypter Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.


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