Golden Ransomware Removal Guide

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At the time of research, our malware analysts were skeptical about Golden Ransomware spreading in the wild, and we still do not know if this infection will be distributed to attack Windows operating systems and the files stored on them. It is possible that this infection will not work as a file-encryptor, which is what most ransomware threats are known for. From what we have gathered after analyzing the found sample of this malware, it is a screen-locker, and that means that it can paralyze your operating system by introducing you to a window you cannot close. This window does not disappear even when the computer is restarted. Quite possibly, this is all that the attackers need to trick some Windows users into communicating with them and, eventually, paying a ransom. However, it is also possible that it could encrypt files. Continue reading if you want to know how to delete Golden Ransomware and what removal options you can choose from.

According to our researchers, it is believed that Golden Ransomware is not finished yet. The sample we tested did not encrypt files, but the screen-locker did not present a comprehensive message either. Due to this, it is unknown if the infection is intended to work as a file-encryptor or a screen-locker. Needless to say, it is much easier to deal with a screen-locker because there is a way to remove Golden Ransomware via Safe Mode. The instructions below show how to access this mode and delete the malicious threat. On the other hand, if the threat starts encrypting files, it might be impossible to recover them. There are hundreds of real file-encryptors out there (e.g., RansomWarrior 1.0 Ransomware, KOK8 Ransomware, and Ryuk Ransomware), and when they hit, they hit hard. In extremely rare cases, free decryptors are available, and users can employ them to free the files. Unfortunately, in the majority of cases, the files are lost parentally. This is when the victims of malware start thinking about paying ransoms, and our experience shows that they rarely get decryption keys or software in return.

The message created by Golden Ransomware is shown via a window you cannot close. The background is black, and the text is yellow and flashes to grab your attention. As mentioned earlier, the message does not appear to be completed. At the top, it declares: “You’re a victim of Golden!” Bellow that, a message pushes to click links, and they do not exist. Instead of actual links, we see text only (“(link)”), which further proves that the infection is still being developed. Unfortunately, this window cannot be removed, so when Golden Ransomware is fully finished, and links are thrown in the face of victims, it is likely that they will follow them. The creator of the infection achieves this by executing the “shutdown –a” command, and the only way you can circumvent that is by rebooting your system to Safe Mode/Safe Mode with Networking.

You should attempt to remove Golden Ransomware manually only if you have previous experience with the removal of malware or undesirable programs. The .exe file has a random name, and we cannot tell you where it was dropped on your operating system. Have you executed the infection by opening a spam email attachment or downloading new software? If you have, you might know exactly where to find the launcher. If you cannot delete Golden Ransomware manually, you want to install anti-malware software, and you can do it in Safe Mode with Networking. The software will automatically inspect your operating system and erase all found threats. Once you reboot your system back to normal mode, make sure you keep the installed anti-malware software around because you want it protecting your operating system in the future. Another thing you should do is create a backup, in which you could keep copies of the files you do not want to lose or put at risk in the future.

How to delete Golden Ransomware

  1. Reboot your operating system to Safe Mode/Safe Mode with Networking.
  2. Launch Windows Explorer(Win+E) and check these directories (enter into the field at the top):
    • %USERPROFILE%\Desktop
    • %USERPROFILE%\Downloads
    • %TEMP%
  3. If you find the launcher of the ransomware, right-click it and select Delete.
  4. Launch RUN (Win+R) and then enter regedit.exe into the dialog box.
  5. Go to HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run in Registry Editor.
  6. Right-click and Delete the value called SysAudio.
  7. Empty Recycle Bin.
  8. Reboot the system to normal mode.
  9. Install a trusted malware scanner and initiate a full system scan.

How to reboot Windows to Safe Mode/Safe Mode with Networking

Windows 10/Windows 8

  1. Restart the PC and wait for the moment BIOS screen loads.
  2. Immediately start tapping the F8 key on the keyboard to access the boot menu.
  3. Click See advanced repair options and then navigate to the Troubleshoot menu.
  4. Click Advanced options, go to Startup Settings, and then click Restart.
  5. Choose Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Networking and wait for the system to boot.

Windows 7/Windows Vista/Windows XP

  1. Restart the PC and wait for the moment BIOS screen loads.
  2. Immediately start tapping the F8 key on the keyboard to access the boot menu.
  3. Using arrow keys select Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Networking, tap Enter, and wait for the system to boot.
Download Remover for Golden Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Golden Ransomware Screenshots:

Golden Ransomware

Golden Ransomware technical info for manual removal:

Files Modified/Created on the system:

# File Name File Size (Bytes) File Hash
1c8654b503594d387accd75a406558b8a5ee52922e0cc724fbf432adc20991b34.exe72192 bytes

Memory Processes Created:

# Process Name Process Filename Main module size
1c8654b503594d387accd75a406558b8a5ee52922e0cc724fbf432adc20991b34.exec8654b503594d387accd75a406558b8a5ee52922e0cc724fbf432adc20991b34.exe72192 bytes

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