Ransomware threats that succeed in encryption cause a lot of damage, and the Foxy ransomware is one of the threats that should never access your PC. If it has recently happened that you cannot access your files because of the Foxy ransomware, our advice is to ignore the requirement to pay a ransom. Instead of following the attacker's instructions, you should remove the Foxy threat from the computer as soon as you.
The Foxy threat was spotted in early November, 2017 and is known to have been built using the Hidden Tear open source kit, whose primary purpose was to educate script kiddies about ransomware. It did not take long for those interested in malware to use the open source code for launching their own ransomware campaigns. In the beginning, Hidden Tear was capable of encrypting files in a test directory placed on the desktop, but soon this drawback was noticed and fixed in more destructive ransomware Trojans.
The Foxy ransomware displays the crooks' requirements in a program window, which also contains an image of a robotic foxy. The program windows has a countdown clock the goal of which is to scare users into thinking that they have to make a payment immediately. Fortunately, user's files remains on the computer after the countdown stops. According to the scare warning, a victim has to pay a ransom in Bitcoin; however, no sum of money is specified in the warning. Additionally, a victim is warned that restarting the computer would end up in permanent data loss. At this point it is important not to panic because after receiving a payment, the crooks are not likely to restore the encrypted data. In some cases, attackers attempt to gain victims' trust by offering them to have a few files, usually up to 3, decrypted free of charge. Those files must not contain any valuable information, that would probably mean no word documents or excel sheets. It is crucial to ignore the promise that the files will be restored, because the Foxy ransomware is just another profit-oriented computer infection.
Once on the computer, it scans the system to encrypt different files and add the extension .nightmare. The infection also creates a ransom .txt file named READ_ME_IMPORTANT. Unfortunately, the ransom note in the .txt file is less informative than the user interface of the infection. Moreover, the infection creates its copy in the %Temp% directory and its unique ID decrpt.openwithnotepad in the %USERPROFILE%\Documents directory.
Sometimes pop-up ransom warnings are impossible to close using the X button. The Foxy ransomware can be disabled, or closed, using the Windows Task Manager. However, after killing the process of the malicious threat, the PC remains infected, which means that you still need to take action to remove the Foxy ransomware.
Ransomware, as well as other threats, can be distributed by spam, so you should be attentive to the content you find in your email box. Moreover, it essential to keep the operating system and software updated, because there are some malware threats that exploit system and software vulnerabilities to access a computer. Enabled RDP settings may also be one of the channels for spreading malware. On top of that, keeping the OS protected by antimalware is highly important because malware might be continuously attempting to access your PC without your authorization.
Removing a malicious infection, especially when it spreads its components across the system might seem to be intimidating. In the case with the Foxy ransomware, it is possible to remove it manually; however, by doing so, you only slightly minimize the risk of getting the PC compromised by other threats. We recommend that you rely on a reputable security program that can both remove the Foxy ransomware and shield the system against multiple threats, including data-stealing Trojan horses, browser hijackers, and other infections. If you are determined to remove the Foxy threat manually, consider scanning the computer afterwards.