FireBird RAT Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

If a malware scanner or anti-malware tool detects FireBird RAT on your Windows operating system, you need to remove it as quickly as possible. One minute inside your computer could be enough for this threat to steal sensitive information, capture a video of your private life, hijack your operating system, or enable other threats to do their malicious deeds. Undoubtedly, we strongly recommend that you eliminate this threat from your operating system. If you are worried that you are not experienced enough to remove FireBird RAT on your own, perhaps you should not proceed on your own? In this report, you will find information about the infection and also the different methods that you could employ to eliminate this threat. Please read carefully, and make sure that you add your questions in the comments area if you want to so that we could assist you with any problems that might come up.

It is hard to say how exactly FireBird RAT slithered into your operating system because this malware can be controlled by hundreds of people in hundreds of ways at the same time. That is because the RAT is sold online, and you too could purchase it to perform attacks against other people. Of course, we hope that you will do no such thing. Once the RAT is purchased, it is up to the person in control to decide how it spreads. Some might choose to use the help of malware-dropping trojans. Others might use exploit kits that are built to exploit unpatched vulnerabilities within the system, security software, or installed apps. FireBird RAT could also be spread via bundled downloaders and spam emails that are made to look harmless. The ultimate goal is not to alert the victim so that the infection could stand a chance of slithering in. Unfortunately, this malware also has abilities to circumvent detection by antivirus tools in some cases, and so if your system’s protection is not strong enough, the RAT could slither in unnoticed.

Once inside the targeted system, FireBird RAT can do many things. It can disable the Task Manager and Registry Editor, hijack the mouse, the web camera, and the microphone, remove other applications, turn your computer on or off at random times, play audio, open the CD drive randomly, screenshot emails, log keystrokes to steal passwords and login credentials, copy the text in the clipboard, gather computer info, and even enable hackers to control miners, among other things. This means that FireBird RAT can be used to spy on people, gather sensitive data, and even exploit CPU to mine cryptocurrency. Basically, the infection enables cybercriminals to take full control of your operating system, and what they do with this power depends on their goals. Do they want to blackmail you using video and audio recordings? Do they want to hijack your online banking and social networking accounts? Do they want to spread malware from your system? Do they want to make money using your recourses? The possibilities are endless, and that is what makes this trojan so incredibly dangerous. We hope that you manage to delete it in time.

There are two components that you need to delete if you want to have FireBird RAT removed. You can follow the guide below to learn where to find these components, but because their names are random, we cannot promise that you will be able to identify and eliminate them yourself. Furthermore, there could be other threats active on your operating system along with the trojan, and if you want to make sure that you get rid of all threats, we suggest employing trusted and efficient anti-malware software. Once it is done removing FireBird RAT and other active infections, it will ensure that you do not face malware in the future. Of course, you yourself have to be cautious because you do not want to be tricked into letting in malware via misleading emails, websites, downloads, links, and so on. If you have questions about the threat, its removal, Windows protection, and safe browsing practices, do not hesitate to leave them in the comments area below.

How to delete FireBird RAT

  1. Launch File Explorer by tapping Windows and E keys together.
  2. Type %APPDATA% into the quick access field and tap Enter.
  3. Identify the malicious {random name}.exe file.
  4. If you can identify it, right-click and Delete the file.
  5. Type %WINDIR%\System32\Tasks\Updates\ into the quick access field and tap Enter.
  6. Right-click and Delete the {random name} task created by the infection.
  7. Exit File Explorer and then Empty Recycle Bin.
  8. Install a legitimate malware scanner to check your system for any hidden leftovers.
Download Remover for FireBird RAT *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.


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