Extenbro Dns Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

You probably don’t even know how Extenbro Dns entered your computer. This Trojan infection is there to stop you from acquiring security software, and we can assume that it is used together with some other infection that targets your personal information or your system in general.

It is often hard to detect and remove Trojans because they work in the system background, and they do not have GUIs. So, to remove Extenbro Dns on time, you have to employ a reliable security application that will help you perform regular system scans. What’s more, this Trojan could be just one of the many malicious intruders currently running on your PC.

The problem here is that users are seldom aware of how Extenbro Dns and other similar infections enter their computers. We all hear about malicious programs slithering in behind our backs, but the truth is that users often download and install Trojans willingly, even if they do not realize that. Likewise, the same can be applied to the Extenbro Dns distribution scheme, too.

As far as our research team knows, this Trojan tends to arrive bundled with freeware and adware. Freeware and adware downloads are often initiated by users themselves. This happens when we visit file-sharing websites and other pages that thrive on third-party advertising. So, the point is that we can easily avoid getting infected with the likes of Extenbro Dns if we are careful enough. Unfortunately, users often fail to recognize potential threats when they visit various websites. But staying away from file sharing pages should be enough to at least minimize the potential of a Trojan infection.

If you happen to get infected with Extenbro Dns, you will probably not be able to access a number of security websites. This Trojan changes DNS settings to,,, Once the changes are complete, it allows the Trojan to block you from accessing Avast, Kaspersky, and other security websites. It doesn’t look like the Trojan itself does anything more besides changing your DNS settings, with your system weakened, it can be really easy for other infections to ravage it.

Perhaps the most dangerous thing about Extenbro Dns is that it performs a lot of changes that regular computer users would never know about. For instance, it disables the IPv6 by modifying the registry value, and it forces the system to use new DNS parameters that the Trojan enters into the DNS settings. Also, sometimes it is possible to reset the new modifications by simply rebooting the system. However, Extenbro Dns creates a scheduled task that makes sure the modifications stay.

The infection also tampers with Firefox settings. It modifies the user.js file in a way that the browser is forced to use the Windows Certificate Store. Extenbro Dns adds its own root certificate there, so one can clearly see that the browsers get compromised by this infection, too.

It is important to remove Extenbro Dns from your computer before this Trojan and everything else related to it doesn’t steal your personal information or turn your computer into a senseless bot. Although it might be too challenging to remove this infection manually, we include the manual removal instructions in this description.

To be honest, it would be for the best to remove Extenbro Dns with an automated antispyware tool. This way, you would be sure that all the malicious files and programs are detected and removed at once. At the same time, you would be able to safeguard your system against similar intruders in the future. However, do not forget that your behavior online is just as important in securing your system against various threats.

How to Remove Extenbro Dns

  1. Press Win+R and the Run prompt will open.
  2. Type %LOCALAPPDATA% into the Open box and click OK.
  3. Remove these folders and their data:
  4. Use SpyHunter to scan your computer.
Download Remover for Extenbro Dns *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.


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