Dictionary Pro Removal Guide

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If you work with words (literally), you might consider adding something like Dictionary Pro to your browser. It is a Chrome extension that provides direct access to dictionaries, thesaurus websites, writing resources, and so on. However, if this application is added to your browser out of the blue, you should definitely run a full system scan with a reliable antispyware tool. The chances are you have many unwanted programs on-board, and you definitely need to remove them all. For Dictionary Pro, you can use the manual removal instructions at the bottom of this description.

Like most of the unwanted Chrome extensions, Dictionary Pro can be easily found on official websites. For instance, Dictionary Pro is available via Chrome Web Store. With that, anyone could be convinced that the application is useful. True be told, there is nothing malicious about it, but at the same time, some users might be wondering, how this extension reached them when they had no intention of installing it whatsoever.

Therefore, we have to remember that the official sources are just part of the freeware distribution network. The link that offers you to add Dictionary Pro to your browser might be embedded in various advertisements, pop-ups, and redirects. Users encounter such pop-ups when they visit third-party websites that thrive on third-party advertising. Hence, if you are on a page that is full of various ads, you should totally close the page and look for something less risky. While you can choose whether you want to add Dictionary Pro or not, users often click anything just to get rid of the pop-up, and they fail to see that they agree to add multiple freeware applications.

And when Dictionary Pro or anything like it gets added to their browsers, people get surprised when they end up getting redirected to various websites. Of course, Dictionary Pro is not a malicious infection, and it informs you about the changes it performs on your browser, even if you are not aware of the notifications that you receive. So, before this extension is added, it tells you that it requires the permission to replace the page you see when opening a new tab, and it also needs to read your browsing history. That’s not anything out of the ordinary. Most of the extensions require that.

And once the permissions are granted, Dictionary Pro supposedly provides you with an easy access to a dictionary, thesaurus, references tools, and custom web search from the new tab settings. Since this extension changes your new tab settings, it can automatically redirect you to a modified Yahoo! Search page, where you would supposedly get the most relevant search results. Of course, this relevancy will be determined by your browsing history, and this extension can easily track it with the permissions you give.

Here, the main security concern is the third-party links that Dictionary Pro might promote. This extension clearly doesn’t review those links, and it cannot guarantee that it promotes only safe content. Therefore, it is up to you to remove Dictionary Pro from your system and protect it from potentially harmful content.

You can remove Dictionary Pro via your browser’s settings, although it would be for the best to reset your browser’s settings to default. This way, you would remove all the unwanted tracking cookies and other modifications that might be responsible for browsing history monitoring. After that, be sure to scan your computer with the SpyHunter free scanner. You need to make sure that your system is safe and clean, and it is also a good idea to invest in a security tool that would protect it from harm.

How to Remove Dictionary Pro

  1. Open the Chrome browser.
  2. Press Alt+F and click Settings.
  3. Go to the bottom of the page and click Advanced.
  4. Scroll down and click Restore settings to their original defaults.
  5. Click Reset settings on the confirmation box.
Download Remover for Dictionary Pro *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Dictionary Pro Screenshots:

Dictionary Pro


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