Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

Unguarded Windows operating systems are the prime target of Ransomware, a malicious file-encrypting threat that is most likely to use spam emails and RDP vulnerabilities to slither in. If the threat is successful at that, it can encrypt files silently, without alarming the owner. Even if the victim discovered the threat soon, it is unlikely that they would be able to remove the infection before it corrupted files because it acts fast. Of course, if you detect the launcher of the ransomware, you have to eliminate it as soon as possible and, maybe, that will save your files. When files are encrypted, you should see the “.decryptgarranty” extension attached to their names. These files are corrupted and cannot be read until a decryptor is applied. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that obtaining a decryptor that would free your files is possible. We do not know if it even exists. The bad news is that your files will not be restored even if you delete Ransomware.

GarrantyDecrypt Ransomware is the predecessor of Ransomware, and there are quite a few similarities between these infections. First of all, it appears that they are spread in the same manner. Second, they both create a file named “#RECOVERY_FILES#.txt.” This message reads: “All your files have been ENCRYPTED. Do you really want to restore your files? Write to our email - and tell us your unique ID.” The only thing that changes from one variant to the next is the email address that is included in the message, which indicates that two different creators might be behind these two infections. You have to decide what you will do with the information presented to you, but if you want our advice, we suggest paying no attention to the message. If you email the creator of Ransomware, they could send you malicious files and links routing to scam and phishing websites. First, of course, the attackers would ask you to pay a ransom.

If you expect that you will be sent a decryptor as soon as you pay the ransom requested by the creator of Ransomware, you might be disappointed. Our research team has had the “pleasure” of analyzing thousands of malicious file-encryptors, and their victims never get the relief they expect. Even if the ransom is small, you really need to think carefully if you want to take the risk of losing your money and exposing yourself to the attackers. If you are willing to the take the risk, we suggest creating a new email account to communicate with cyber criminals. Once you are done with that, you can remove the account and forget about the interaction in general. Of course, you do not want to forget about the attack because there is a lot to learn from it. First and foremost, your virtual security is not the best, and whether you blame yourself or the software that is installed on your PC, there’s room for improvement.

The instructions you can see below list the components that must be eliminated if you want to have Ransomware removed. Unfortunately, we cannot give you the exact locations of these components. The ransom note file might have copies, and the launcher could be anywhere. Even its name could be unique. If we could point you to the files, we definitely would. If you are unable to find and erase the infection manually, you always have the option of employing anti-malware software. In fact, it might be high time for you to install it. You might be most interested in its automatic malware removal capabilities, but after it deletes Ransomware, this software will secure your operating system, and that is the most important part. What about the files? If backups exist, you should remove the corrupted files. If that is not the case, most likely, you have lost your personal files.

How to delete Ransomware

  1. Right-click and Delete every copy of the file called #RECOVERY_FILES#.txt.
  2. Identify the [unknown name].exe file that launched the ransomware.
  3. Right-click and select Delete to eliminate it.
  4. Empty Recycle Bin.
  5. Install a malware scanner and use it to check if there are any other threats that require removal.
Download Remover for Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter. Ransomware Screenshots: Ransomware


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