DDT Ransomware Removal Guide

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DDT Ransomware is a serious ransomware infection that will not let you take a breath. This program is there to swindle you out of your money, and the more you pay to these criminals, the better (in their point of view). This program will work just like your any other ransomware program that we have discussed before. It will encrypt your files and it will threaten you to pay the ransom fee. You have to stay strong and resist these threats. Focus on removing DDT Ransomware from your system, and then invest in a licensed security program that would help you protect your system against various threats.

This program happens to be another version of the Globe Imposter 2.0 Ransomware infection. It gives us certain information about how this program behaves and spreads around, but it is the end users who get infected who should be paying attention to these things. And, sadly, they do not.

Of course, individual users who are wary about their cybersecurity probably know by now that opening random emails and downloading the attached files can be very dangerous. However, if you are on your work computer you might feel less inclined to follow the usual security procedures. Not to mention that their guards could be down if dealing with attachments is the regular routine at work.

Hence, programs like DDT Ransomware are more likely to infect companies and businesses. Not to mention that businesses would probably be more willingly to pay the ransom to retrieve their data, so they make a great target. Perhaps the easiest way to protect your system from a ransomware infection would include scanning the received files with a reliable antispyware tool. So, do not hesitate to invest into one to ensure your system’s safety.

Now, DDT Ransomware is very thorough when it comes to making sure you do not have that many chances at recovering your files. For example, there is a file in the program’s setup that deletes the Shadow Volume Copies (provided they were enabled). From the Shadow Volume Copies, it is possible to restore the encrypted files with the help of a professional, but DDT Ransomware rips that opportunity away from you.

Once the infection enters your system, it scans everything, looking for the files it can encrypt. It is very likely that most of the files in the %USERPROFILE% directory will be affected by the encryption. The ransomware will probably leave your system files alone because it still needs to receive the ransom payment and for that, your system needs to function. However, the fact that all of your data has been locked up should be enough of scare alone. On top of that, DDT Ransomware displays a ransom note in a separate pop-up window that sort of gives you hope that there’s still a way out of this situation. Here’s what the ransom note has to say:

Your files are encrypted!
All your important data has been encrypted.
After we send you instruction how to pay for decrypt and after payment you will receive a decryptor and instructions. We can decrypt one file in quality the evidence that we have the decoder.

Nothing in the ransom note indicates the amount you would have to pay for the decryption. Also, you have to contact these criminals first, hoping they will write back with further information. It is very frustrating and humiliating. Not to mention that by paying the ransom, you would only encourage these criminals to continue infecting innocent users.

Thus, you need to remove DDT Ransomware right now, and then look for ways to restore your data. If you have your files saved someplace else, you can restore them from your backup. There might also be a public decryption tool available soon, but if you do not want to wait, you can address a professional.

How to Remove DDT Ransomware

  1. Remove the most recent files from Desktop.
  2. Delete the most recent files from the Downloads folder.
  3. Press Win+R and type %AppData%. Click OK.
  4. Delete the ransomware.exe file from the directory.
  5. Press Win+R and type regedit. Click OK.
  6. Open HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\CurrentVersion\RunOnce.
  7. On the right pane, right-click and delete the BrowserUpdateCheck value.
  8. Close Registry Editor and press Win+R again.
  9. Type %TEMP% into the Open box and click OK.
  10. Delete the most recent tmp.bat files and scan your system with SpyHunter.
Download Remover for DDT Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

DDT Ransomware Screenshots:

DDT Ransomware


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