Darus Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

What are you supposed to do when Darus Ransomware invades your operating system? Well, what you should not do is panic. If you panic, the ransom note that the attackers introduce to you might seem believable, and you might make some stupid moves. Sending a message to the criminals is one of these stupid moves, and we discuss it further in the report. Paying a ransom is yet another bad move. Luckily, you do not need to ponder between being silly and being safe because a free decryptor is already available. This tool will restore your files, and the only thing you will need to do is delete Darus Ransomware from your Windows operating system. Make no mistake – removing this infection is important, and even if you get all of your files back, you must not forget about it. It is also important that you do not ignore the security issues that have led to the invasion of the infection.

Unless you are on top of the virtual security news, it is unlikely that you are familiar with the STOP Ransomware family. It is the family that has made it possible for threats like Kiratos Ransomware and Guvara Ransomware to emerge and attack unsuspecting Windows users. These infections are very similar, and even identical in some ways. That, in part, is why a decryptor has already been discovered and offered to the victims. It is called “Stop Decrypter,” and when you get to the point of downloading it, make sure you are not getting duped again. Keep in mind that attackers are always looking for ways to invade systems and fool gullible users. Deception, disguises, and tricks could have been used to help Darus Ransomware slither into your operating system too. You might have executed the infection by accident when opening a corrupted spam email attachment or downloading a new program from an unreliable source. After the invasion, you are unlikely to notice the threat until your files are encrypted and then “.darus” extension is appended. At this point, files cannot be restored by removing the infection.

Besides encrypting files, Darus Ransomware also disables the Task Manager and Windows Defender, and it also can create a fictitious Windows Updates window to distract you from the encryption process. The second most important task for this malware, of course, is to deliver a ransom note. The file carrying it is called “_readme.txt,” and it is almost identical to all other ransom notes used by the infections in the STOP Ransomware family. The only thing that changes is the email addresses and the Telegram contact, which are gorentos@bitmessage.ch, gorentos2@firemail.cc, and @datarestore. According to the ransom note, you must contact the attackers so that you could pay the ransom, and you must pay the ransom so that the attackers could provide you with a “decrypt tool and unique key.” Would they give it to you? In fact, we do not know if it exists at all, but we doubt that it would be given to you even if it did exist. Luckily, you do not need to worry about these demands because a free decryptor exists.

You want to make sure that your files are decrypted, and that is understandable. However, it is just as important to remove Darus Ransomware from your operating system. Luckily, decrypting files is not an issue in this case because a free decryptor should exist. If you cannot find it, or if it does not work by the time you are reading this, we hope that you can rely on backups. Backups are copies of your files stored, for example, on external drives or online, and they can truly save you in situations like this one. Make sure you create backups in the future. Once you got the recovery of files figured out, you need to figure out how to delete Darus Ransomware and secure your operating system. Taking care of this manually can be very difficult, but a reliable anti-malware program should take care of it all within minutes.

How to delete Darus Ransomware

  1. Delete all recently downloaded suspicious files.
  2. Find and Delete all _readme.txt files.
  3. Tap Win+R and enter regedit into the Run box.
  4. In Registry Editor, go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
  5. Delete the value named SysHelper.
  6. Enter %LOCALAPPDATA% (or %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\ - depending on the version of your Windows) into the quick access field.
  7. Delete two {random name} folders that contain {random name}.exe, updatewin.exe, updatewin2.exe.
  8. Delete the file named script.ps1.
  9. Enter %WINDIR%\System32\Tasks\ into the quick access field.
  10. Delete the task named Time Trigger Task.
  11. Empty Recycle Bin and then run a complete system scan using a trusted malware scanner.
Download Remover for Darus Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Darus Ransomware Screenshots:

Darus Ransomware
Darus Ransomware


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