Dark Tequila Removal Guide

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Category: Keyloggers

Although the name of Dark Tequila is quite intriguing, the infection itself is one you do not want to cross paths with. If it manages to silently invade your operating system, it might be able to extract passwords, usernames, and other credentials used to log into online banking, flight reservation, shopping, and other sensitive accounts. This, unfortunately, could lead to identity and money theft, and we are sure that is the last thing you need. The good news is that there are things you can do to protect yourself, and if you do not need to delete Dark Tequila at this point – use a legitimate malware scanner to find out – you still have time to guard yourself. Install reputable anti-malware software if it is not installed already to ensure that your operating system remains malware-free in the future. And if you know for a fact that you need to remove the infection and maybe a few other threats, we’ve got you covered. Continue reading this report, and you will learn soon enough what it is that you need to do.

Are you familiar with the term “keylogger?” It defines an infection that logs keystrokes. Unfortunately, that is exactly what Dark Tequila is set out to do. Once this infection is executed on your operating system, it starts recording keystrokes whenever you connect to online banking portals. That is not all. Credentials can also be stolen when users log into Amazon, GoDaddy, Dropbox, Softlayer, Rackspace, Microsoft Office365, Register, and other services. The more login credentials Dark Tequila obtains, the more successful the attackers might be because they can then steal money, purchase goods online, impersonate you, spread malware, and do many other things. Although the infection is primarily used to terrorize the users of online banks in Mexico, it certainly has the potential to create big problems for everyone in its path. Besides recording keystrokes, the infection can also steal passwords that are already stored on your browser and in email clients. So, if you are relying on your browser’s password manager, you might want to rethink your position. Hopefully, you can remove the threat before it steals any information.

Before you learn how to remove Dark Tequila from Windows, you need to learn about the distribution of this infection because you want to make sure you patch security backdoors and become informed about different distribution techniques. Do you know how Dark Tequila got into your computer? It is unlikely that you do, and it is possible that we cannot know the whole story either. After all, this threat was only discovered now, and it has been actively attacking users since 2013! According to the latest information, the keylogger/worm uses spam emails, as well as USB drives to spread. The first method is almost classic, as all kinds of infections are now using it to attack unsuspecting users. If you want to avoid malware, we suggest being more cautious about the emails you open and especially the links or attachments sent to you via these emails. When it comes to USB drives and other removable drives, it is hard to protect yourself, but, of course, you need to be mindful too. It’s best if you stick to your own drives. If they are infected with the keylogger, you should find autorun.exe, pictures.exe, and autorun.inf files installed. Obviously, if you find such files, you want to remove them.

You need to remove Dark Tequila/Worm.Crastic ASAP, but because it is unlikely that you would stop this infection before it obtained sensitive information, we also advise updating passwords and securing your personal accounts. First, of course, you want to delete the infection, and you can do that yourself or using anti-malware software. We suggest choosing the latter option because you also want protection against malware in the future. You have to be looking at the bigger picture here. What about manual removal? You might be able to delete Dark Tequila yourself, but you must not forget that your USB drives might be infected too. Also, other threats might exist. If you choose to perform removal manually, make sure that you handle every step with caution. And if you need help, don't hesitate to leave us a comment below.

How to delete Dark Tequila

  1. Tap keys Win+E simultaneously to access Windows Explorer.
  2. Type %WINDIR% into the bar at the very top and tap Enter.
  3. Delete the file named csrss.dll, which silently represents the keylogger.
  4. Check all USB drives you use to see if autorun.exe, pictures.exe, and autorun.inf files exist. If they do, Delete them immediately.
  5. Once you Empty Recycle Bin, quickly install a malware scanner.
  6. Perform a full system scan to make sure that no malicious components or threats were left behind.
Download Remover for Dark Tequila *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Dark Tequila technical info for manual removal:

Files Modified/Created on the system:

# File Name File Size (Bytes) File Hash
1dce2d575bef073079sc658edfa872a15546b422ad2b74267d33b386dc7cc85b47.exe877568 bytesMD5: 9fbdc5eca123e81571e8966b9b4e4a1e

Memory Processes Created:

# Process Name Process Filename Main module size
1dce2d575bef073079sc658edfa872a15546b422ad2b74267d33b386dc7cc85b47.exedce2d575bef073079sc658edfa872a15546b422ad2b74267d33b386dc7cc85b47.exe877568 bytes

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