CovidWorldCry Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

There is a good chance that you will not need to delete CovidWorldCry Ransomware from your Windows operating system even if it has encrypted all of your personal files. According to our researchers, this threat is meant to remove itself as soon as the encryption is complete. Unfortunately, malware is quite unpredictable, and we cannot know when its creators might update it or add new functionalities. Due to this, it is possible that in the future this malware will no longer be self-destructing. In either case, erasing file-encrypting malware is never the hard part. The hard part is decrypting files or, in many cases, coming to terms with the fact that files are damaged irreversibly. Hopefully, you can salvage the files that were corrupted by CovidWorldCry Ransomware, but do not expect cybercriminals to help you. In fact, if you decide to follow their demands and instructions, you are likely to be left empty-handed. Keep this in mind while you are reading our report, and do not forget that you can ask us questions in the comments section.

When did you find out that CovidWorldCry Ransomware encrypted your personal files? Because this threat is most likely to slither in silently, you might be unable to identify the moment of entrance. But perhaps you remember downloading or opening files recently? If you have an idea of how malware might have gotten in, make sure that you do not repeat the same steps in the future. For example, if you suspect that CovidWorldCry Ransomware got in when you opened a malicious spam email attachment, without a doubt, you need to be more careful when interacting with spam emails. In fact, you should report and delete them immediately upon receiving them, if you know for a fact that they were not sent to the spam folder by accident. Once files are encrypted, the “.corona-lock” extension is appended to their names, and this might be the first sign of malware for you. Alternatively, you might first learn about the threat when the “README_LOCK.TXT” file drops onto your Desktop. This might be the only malware file you need to remove.

The message within the TXT file suggests that you have to obtain a private key if you want to restore your now unreadable files. Yes, a decryptor should exist if your files were encrypted, but that does not mean that you would get it. The creator of CovidWorldCry Ransomware wants you to think that you can obtain the decryptor by sending a message and one encrypted file to Obviously, that is not how cybercriminals operate. Once they get you to contact them, they will push you to pay a ransom in return for a decryptor. What other choice do you have? If you do not have copies of photos, documents, and other personal files stored outside the computer, you might think that paying the ransom is your only hope. However, there are no guarantees that you would get a decryptor in return, and so we do not think of this as a legitimate option. We have seen too many file-encryptors to count – including Zeronine Ransomware, Covm Ransomware, or Koti Ransomware – to know that victims who pay the ransom almost never get what they expect.

Hopefully, you do not need to worry about the removal of CovidWorldCry Ransomware, and we suggest installing a trusted malware scanner to help you find out whether or not malware exists. If it has removed itself automatically after encrypting all of your personal files, the scanner should find nothing. Of course, it is possible that other threats exist, and if they do, you must delete them quickly. In either case, malware removal is not the only thing to worry about. Because CovidWorldCry Ransomware got into your operating system, it is safe to assume that it is not protected appropriately. We strongly recommend installing anti-malware software now to have your system’s security reinstated and maintained 24/7. Hopefully, once you erase leftover malware and secure your system, you can replace the corrupted files with backups. Keep in mind to always create copies of all important files just in case.

How to delete CovidWorldCry Ransomware

  1. Go to the Desktop.
  2. Delete the file named README_LOCK.TXT
  3. The malware should remove itself, but you need to inspect your system for recently downloaded files. If you find malicious components, delete them ASAP.
  4. Empty Recycle Bin.
  5. Employ a legitimate malware scanner to inspect your system for any hidden malware leftovers.
Download Remover for CovidWorldCry Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

CovidWorldCry Ransomware Screenshots:

CovidWorldCry Ransomware


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