Ransomware Removal Guide

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You should not panic when you discover Ransomware because if you do, you might be tricked into doing something dangerous. Of course, that might be easier said than done; especially if you discover that this malicious infection has encrypted some of your most valued personal files. While some threats are programmed to attack certain directories or even folders, this particular threat moves like a tank, and the only files it evades are system files. Obviously, without them, your system would not run properly, and cyber criminals behind the infection would not be able to demand a ransom. Yes, money is requested by cyber criminals in return for a decryptor of files. You might be willing to pay money just to get your files back, but you should not rush into anything when it comes to malware and cyber attackers. Please continue reading this report, and you will soon find out how to delete Ransomware from your operating system, as well as how to keep the system protected against malware like this in the future. If you are here only for the manual removal instructions, scroll down below.

Ransomware infections keep popping up. Some of the latest of them are MVP Ransomware, Kraken Cryptor 1.5 Ransomware, Suri Ransomware, and Korean MAFIA Ransomware. Some threats are more dangerous than others, and some just pose as file-encryptors to make victims pay for alleged decryption tools. This is why when you face ransomware, the first thing you need to do is check whether or not your files were corrupted. Unfortunately, Ransomware actually corrupts files, and when it does that, the “.[].java” extension is appended to the names. But that is not all. The malicious threat is capable of stopping services, ending processes, disabling Windows recovery features, and even deleting shadow volume copies. What does that mean? The infection does all of this to help it run smoother and to support the ransom note. The shadow volume copies are deleted so that the victim could not recover files in case they were backed up using internal backup. What about backups on cloud and/or external drives? Those should be fine, but you should connect to them only after you remove Ransomware. After all, you do not want your backups corrupted too, do you?

Are you convinced that you successfully removed Ransomware as soon as it slithered in? This might be the case if the infection was introduced to you as a harmless file sent to you via a misleading spam email. Unfortunately, you don’t have much time with this threat because it can create a copy named “Marvel.exe” in the %APPDATA% directory. Furthermore, the copy has points of execution in the Registry (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run). The name of POE is “MarvelHost.” Besides the copy, the infection creates one more file, and it is called “ReadMe_Decryptor.txt.” This file is created to deliver the message, which informs that files can be restored only if the victim pays “for decryption in Bitcoins.” Since there is no information regarding the payment, the victim is pushed into emailing cyber criminals at (this is where the name comes from). Even corresponding with them could be dangerous because they could send you malware and trick you into paying for nothing in return. We do not recommend paying the ransom. Instead, we recommend removing the infection.

You have to delete Ransomware as quickly as possible. This infection is truly dangerous, and you do not want cyber criminals controlling it without you being able to do anything about it. Ideally, you would remove Ransomware before it is executed and before the copy is created, but if your files were encrypted already, there is one thing you need to do. If you think that you need to contact cyber criminals and pay the ransom, you are wrong. They will definitely take your money, but your files will not be decrypted. If you do not want to waste your money, what you need to do is remove Ransomware without any delay. We suggest doing that with the assistance of a legitimate anti-malware program because it can automatically erase malware as well as keep your system protected afterward. What if you choose to delete the threat manually? If that is your choice, you might be able to follow the steps below. However, afterward, you will need to make sure you do not open any security backdoors (e.g., open email attachment, click links, visit websites, interact with ads, download software, etc.) so that malware cannot invade and harm your files again.

How to delete Ransomware

  1. Find, right-click, and Delete the {unknown name}.exe file that launched the infection.
  2. Tap Win+E keys to launch Windows Explorer.
  3. Enter %APPDATA% into the field at the top and then right-click and Delete the file named Marvel.exe
  4. Tap Win+R keys to launch RUN and then type regedit.exe and click OK to launch Registry Editor.
  5. Move to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
  6. Right-click and Delete the value named MarvelHost.
  7. Move to HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and then follow step 6.
  8. Empty Recycle Bin and then quickly install a malware scanner to check your system for leftovers.
  9. Restart the computer to restore processes and services disrupted by the infection.
Download Remover for Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter. Ransomware Screenshots: Ransomware Ransomware technical info for manual removal:

Files Modified/Created on the system:

# File Name File Size (Bytes) File Hash
1Marvel.exe260608 bytesMD5: 96c3139f571a36a1e8968208d40a4fc1
2ReadMe_Decryptor.txt601 bytesMD5: 7f3ea46e52c190cd6681f19008774298

Memory Processes Created:

# Process Name Process Filename Main module size
1Marvel.exeMarvel.exe260608 bytes

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