Btos Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

Btos Ransomware is a dangerous file-encrypting application. If it enters your system, it can encrypt your photos, documents, and lots of other files that you might be unable to replace. The threat uses a secure encryption algorithm, which ensures that a victim will not be able to restore the encrypted files without a unique decryption key and a decryption tool. Usually, cybercriminals are the only ones who have the mentioned decryption means, although, in some cases, cybersecurity experts can create free decryption tools. As for cybercriminals, most of them demand paying a ransom in exchange for decryption tools. If you want to learn how much money the Btos Ransomware’s developers demand from their victims and more about the malware’s working manner, we encourage you to read our full report. If you follow the deletion instructions located below, you can also learn how to erase this malicious application manually.

One of the channels that might be used to distribute Btos Ransomware is unreliable file-sharing websites. The malware’s installers could be offered on such web pages as harmless setup files of reputable programs, system updates, and so on. Thus, it is easy to launch such a threat without realizing it. Naturally, the best way to stay away from fake software installers, updates, and data alike is to keep away from untrustworthy file-sharing websites. Moreover, ransomware applications can also be distributed via spam emails. In such cases, their installers might be attached to email messages that could urge users who receive them to open the attached files immediately. Keep in mind that malicious attachments might also appear harmless, so you should always be extra cautious with emails from unknown senders. The best way to check whether a downloaded or received file is harmful or not is to scan it with a reputable security tool.

If the malware is launched, it should create files that are mentioned in our deletion instructions that are located at the end of this article. Plus, it should also start looking for files that it was programmed to encrypt. As mentioned earlier, the threat should be after files that could be valuable to you, while program data and files belonging to your operating system should not get affected. Files that do get encrypted ought to become unusable as well as receive a second extension called .btos, e.g., text.docx.btos. Later, the malware should drop a text document named _readme.txt on the victim’s Desktop or other locations containing encrypted data. The message inside of this note should ask you to get in touch with the Btos Ransomware’s creators and pay $490 if you contact them in 72 hours or $980 if it takes more time for you to email the hackers. Of course, we do not recommend what the ransom note says. The malware’s creators cannot be trusted, and they could scam you.

If you decide that you do not want to put up with any demands and risk your money, we advise you to eliminate Btos Ransomware at once. The malicious application can be removed manually, but the task might be complicated. Still, if you wish to try, we can offer our deletion instructions located below, although we cannot guarantee that they will help you get rid of the threat permanently. If you are looking for an easier and more assured way to eliminate Btos Ransomware, we recommend employing a legitimate antimalware tool and performing a full system scan.

Restart the device in Safe Mode with Networking

Windows 8 and Windows 10

  1. Tap Win+I or navigate to the Start menu and click the Power button.
  2. Tap and hold Shift and click Restart.
  3. Select Troubleshoot and choose Advanced Options.
  4. Pick Startup Settings and press Restart.
  5. Click the F5 key and reboot the system.

Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7

  1. Open Start, press Shutdown options and tap Restart.
  2. Press and hold the F8 key when your computer is restarting.
  3. Wait till you see the Advanced Boot Options window.
  4. Choose Safe Mode with Networking.
  5. Press Enter and log on to your computer.

Get rid of Btos Ransomware

  1. Tap Win+E.
  2. Locate the following directories:
  3. Find a malicious file downloaded before the malware appeared (e.g., updatewin.exe).
  4. Right-click the doubtful file and select Delete.
  5. Go to this location: %WINDIR%\System32\Tasks
  6. Find a task called Time Trigger Task.
  7. Right-click Time Trigger Task and select Delete.
  8. Search for this location: %LOCALAPPDATA%
  9. Find folders with random names, e.g., 98476567-cf82-2ac9-c730-d7b68b0c107a; they ought to contain malicious .exe files, e.g., updatewin.exe.
  10. Right-click malicious folders with random names and select Delete.
  11. Go to these locations:
    %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data
  12. Find files named script.ps1.
  13. Right-click them and press Delete.
  14. Leave File Explorer.
  15. Tap Win+R.
  16. Insert Regedit and click OK.
  17. Go to this path: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  18. Locate a value name called SysHelper.
  19. Right-click it and press Delete.
  20. Leave Registry Editor.
  21. Empty Recycle bin.
  22. Reboot the device.
Download Remover for Btos Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Btos Ransomware Screenshots:

Btos Ransomware


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