BOMBO Ransomware Removal Guide

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Getting infected with BOMBO Ransomware might take you by surprise, but don’t back down now. You have been infected by a dangerous program that literally locks up your files, and then it expects you to pay a ransom fee for the decryption tool. Paying the ransom should never be one of your options because that would only encourage the criminals to continue creating similar infections. Your job right now is to remove BOMBO Ransomware from your system for good, and then protect your system and your files from other infections in the future.

BOMBO Ransomware comes from the Crysis Ransomware family. There are lots of infections from this group, including ROGER Ransomware, Dever Ransomware, Bitx Ransomware, RSA Ransomware, and so on. In some cases, these programs can be quite similar, and that’s because they all share the same basic code. However, aside from that, the programs can have unique tweaks and modifications, and they all have unique encryption and decryption keys.

Unfortunately, there is not public decryption key for BOMBO Ransomware at the moment. Hence, it might be quite challenging to retrieve your files if you do not have a file back-up. A file back-up is a storage space where you keep copies of your personal files. Usually, it is an external hard drive or a cloud storage space where your files get synced automatically. If you have a back-up, no ransomware infection would intimidate you! That’s why computer security experts always emphasize the importance of maintaining a backup file storage.

Aside from that, you should also learn more about ransomware distribution methods. If you know how BOMBO Ransomware and other infections spread, you should be able to recognize the ransomware distribution tactics and avoid the infection.

We believe that BOMBO Ransomware usually spreads through spam email attachments. Therefore, if you receive an urgent message from an unfamiliar sender that comes with a seemingly important legitimate file, please delete the email at once, or at least scan the file with a security tool before you open it. If the file is malicious, the security tool will notify you about it.

Of course, not everyone is that lucky to avoid a ransomware infection. In the worst-case scenario, BOMBO Ransomware barges into your system and runs the file encryption. When the encryption is complete, all the affected files get a long extension that contains your infection ID. You are supposed to use that ID when you contact the criminals behind this infection, too. Here’s what they say about contacting them:

Don’t worry, you can return all your files!
If you want to restore them, follow this link: email [email address] infection ID
If you have not been answered via the link within 12 hours, write to us by e-mail: [email address]

Do not rename encrypted files.
Do not try to decrypt your data using third party software, it may cause permanent data loss.

So, BOMBO Ransomware tries its best to convince you that the only way to restore your files is by contacting these people and paying the ransom fee. However, the truth is that there is no guarantee this works. These crooks might as well just collect the money and scram. Or just leave you hanging because their server could go down any time.

Instead of communicating with these criminals, you need to remove BOMBO Ransomware from your computer, then scan your system with a licensed antispyware tool, and then explore other potential file recovery options. Do not hesitate to address a local professional who would help you with it. And if everything else fails and you have to start building your file library from scratch, don’t forget that file backup this time!

How to Delete BOMBO Ransomware

  1. Remove the most recent files from Desktop.
  2. Remove the most recent files from the Downloads folder.
  3. Press Win+R and enter %TEMP%. Press OK.
  4. Remove the newest files from the directory.
  5. Press Win+R and type %APDATA%. Click OK.
  6. Delete the Info.hta file.
  7. In the same directory, open Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup.
  8. Remove the Info.hta file and an EXE file with a random name.
  9. Use SpyHunter to scan your computer.
Download Remover for BOMBO Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

BOMBO Ransomware Screenshots:

BOMBO Ransomware


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