Spam emails, unprotected remote access channels, system vulnerabilities, and carelessness could all lead to the infiltration of Birbware Ransomware. This malicious threat cannot execute itself without the victim’s participation. Obviously, the victim who participates does that unknowingly. For example, if the infection is let in by opening a spam email attachment, it must look like something else. Something like a normal document file with some information that does not make sense. The document file might also not seem to open at all. Once executed silently, the infection can encrypt files, which is done by reading the file, deleting the original copy, encrypting the read file, and saving the file with the “.birbb” extension. The decryption process is unstable as well, as it is easy to destroy files permanently. It is important to talk about files, but it is just as important to discuss the removal of the malicious infection. If you want to learn how to delete Birbware Ransomware, please continue reading.
Although Birbware Ransomware comes from the same group of malware as EnyBenied Ransomware, Ransomware, or Katyusha Ransomware, it is pretty unique. That is because the creator of this infection does not want money. It is unclear why the infection was created at all, but it appears that it could be used for testing purposes, or it was built to troll careless Windows users. Once the files are encrypted, the infection changes the Desktop wallpaper with a file named “birb.png,” which shows a creepy image from “The Birds,” one of the most famous films to emerge from the 60s. The threat also displays a pop-up message that reads “thanku for using birbware, i hope to c u again .” Finally, it displays a window with this ransom note: “uh-oh you just got urself some birbware if you wanna get rid of this birbware u can send nxf#3688 some spicy mems on discord and maybe he will give you the encryption key ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.” While you can remove the windows from your screen, your files will not be restored even if you delete the ransomware itself.
If you do not know how to analyze the malicious code of Birbware Ransomware, you will not be able to find the decryptor and recover your personal files yourself. That being said, according to our research team, the decryption key is hardcoded inside the application, and if you have experience with .NET disassemble software, you might be able to find it yourself. Otherwise, seek help in friends or experts. If you do find a decryptor before you remove Birbware Ransomware, your files on the Desktop and inside Music, Pictures, Videos, and Downloads folders will remain locked forever. We hope that you find the solution that solves the issue for you, but if you end up losing files, hopefully, you have backup copies stored on external or online drives. If you are not in the habit of backing up files, start doing it as soon as possible.
Did you manage to decrypt files corrupted by the malicious Birbware Ransomware? If you did, the only thing to take care of is the removal of the infection. As you can see, the manual removal instructions are not very detailed, and that is because we cannot tell you the exact location or name of the launcher. Hopefully, you can identify it yourself, and you can remove Birbware Ransomware right away. If you are not sure you can do it, trust a reliable anti-malware program. It will automatically scan your operating system and delete the malicious threats that exist. If you stick with manual removal, remember that other threats could exist. Of course, we recommend taking the plunge and investing in security software because it is extremely important for your virtual security. As long as your system is protected, your files are backed up, and you yourself are cautious, you should evade malware and cyber criminal activity.
# | File Name | File Size (Bytes) | File Hash |
1 | birb.png | 86727 bytes | MD5: f619d104d524e4b79b78651ba6df1d68 |
2 | BirbWare.exe | 380416 bytes | MD5: 7a2524dfebc686de239c5f734e6bf828 |
# | Process Name | Process Filename | Main module size |
1 | BirbWare.exe | BirbWare.exe | 380416 bytes |