Autotron Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

Autotron Ransomware is a new infection that mercilessly locks files. To be more specific, it infiltrates computers and then locks selected files in %LOCALAPPDATA%, %APPDATA%, %USERPROFILE%\Documents, %USERPROFILE%\Favorites, and %USERPROFILE\Desktop. As research conducted by our experienced specialists has shown, this malicious application targets mainly those files that are smaller than 15728640 bytes. We are sure it will not take long for you to find those encrypted files and thus realize that the ransomware infection has infiltrated your computer because this infection targets a bunch of different file formats, which suggests that it will lock almost all your files. Without a doubt, this ransomware infection has been developed by cyber criminals expecting that it would help them to obtain money from users easier, so it is not surprising at all that Autotron Ransomware drops a .txt file with a ransom note demanding Bitcoins after the successful entrance. You will be given only 10 days to submit a payment, but you should not send a cent to crooks even if it turns out to be the only way to get files back. Instead of considering whether or not you should make a payment, you should delete the ransomware infection fully from your system as soon as possible. Let us help you delete it.

Ransomware infections infiltrate computers with the intention of locking data on them and extracting money from users, so do not be surprised that Autotron Ransomware will encrypt files on your system shortly after its entrance. You will find archives, documents, images, music files, videos, torrent files, and even some programs locked since this infection encrypts .exe files. Once files are encrypted, the ransomware infection also drops README.txt to several different directories, including C:\ProgramData, %USERPROFILE%\Desktop, %APPDATA%, and C:, D:, E:, F:, G: local disks. This file is a ransom note that, first, explains to users what has happened to their files: “Many of your documents, photos, videos, databases and other files are no longer accessible because they have been encrypted.” In addition, users find out what they need to do to get their files back. That is, they are told that they have to pay for the decryption service if they want them all back. There are no guarantees that they will unlock files for you, so it would be best that you keep your Bitcoins to yourself. There are not many other ways to unlock files, but if you have a backup of the most important files – you are saved. You could restore them easily without paying money to cyber criminals behind the ransomware infection.

It is still not very easy to talk about the distribution of Autotron Ransomware because it has been detected by specialists only recently, but there is no doubt that this malicious application will infiltrate users’ computers illegally. As has been observed, after the successful entrance, it checks whether it can locate neton.pbk in %APPDATA%\Network and netq.pbk in %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows. Also, it checks whether it can find a window named WinExists. If they cannot be found, the encryption starts. Even though you must remove the malicious file launching the ransomware infection from your computer, you can keep those two files if you want to. If it happens that you encounter Autotron Ransomware again, it will find those files and thus will not lock your personal data again.

Never keep malicious components, especially malicious executable files, on your system, especially when we are talking about the ransomware infection because you might launch the infection accidentally again. In this case, it will start working again and might lock new files on your computer. To delete Autotron Ransomware, you need to kill suspicious processes and then remove all recently downloaded suspicious files. Also, you can remove the .txt file dropped by the ransomware infection from all directories. If you do not have time for the manual removal of Autotron Ransomware, or there are other reasons why you do not want to remove it manually, you should perform a full system scan with a powerful antimalware tool. It should be emphasized that not all scanners that can be downloaded from the web for free are reliable, so be careful.

Remove Autotron Ransomware

  1. Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc.
  2. Open Processes.
  3. Kill all suspicious processes.
  4. Open Windows Explorer.
  5. Delete recently downloaded files from %USERPROFILE%\Downloads, %USERPROFILE%\Desktop, and %TEMP%.
  6. Delete README.txt from %PROGRAMDATA%. %USERPROFILE%\Desktop, %LOCALAPPDATA%, %APPDATA%, and local disks C:\, D:\, E:\, F:\, G:\.
  7. Remove neton.pbk from %APPDATA%\Network.
  8. Delete netq.pbk from %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows.
  9. Empty Recycle Bin.
Download Remover for Autotron Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Autotron Ransomware Screenshots:

Autotron Ransomware

Autotron Ransomware technical info for manual removal:

Files Modified/Created on the system:

# File Name File Size (Bytes) File Hash
117abbc9e2cd58563aba1d2f3ceb539eced16ec950ddcc3f8e068f9d0c5441096.exe876032 bytesMD5: 1f37eebe61bc9252bd72e643f4223896

Memory Processes Created:

# Process Name Process Filename Main module size
117abbc9e2cd58563aba1d2f3ceb539eced16ec950ddcc3f8e068f9d0c5441096.exe17abbc9e2cd58563aba1d2f3ceb539eced16ec950ddcc3f8e068f9d0c5441096.exe876032 bytes

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