Ads by Cinemax Removal Guide

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Category: Adware

Ads by Cinemax start interfering with your web browsing process when you install Cinemax adware application onto your computer. You might say that it was not your intention to have this extension on your computer. However, the sad truth is that users often install Cinemax without even realizing it. The bottom line is that if you want to get rid of Ads by Cinemax, you need to remove Cinemax application first. When you uninstall it, the next thing you have to do is run a full system scan to check whether you have not missed any leftovers.

Our security experts say that the program that generates Ads by Cinemax can be classified as adware helper. Cinemax is based on Crossrider engine, and from that we can see that the application should be very similar to plusHD and HQVideo adware applications.

Technically, Cinemax application should help you improve your online video watching experience, but in reality we can see that the one thing it does is spam you with Ads by Cinemax. It also was supposed to have an official website, but the page at is not working, while does not have anything do with this adware program, so please do not get mixed up.

As there is no working official website, the program for Ads by Cinemax gets distributed bundled with freeware. According to various security analysis reports, this application most often comes with fake Java, Flash and media player updates. The advertisements for software updates appear on a number of unreliable websites, especially the ones that offer to download something for free.

Never download an update unless it is from the official website. If you think that your media player or flash playing require an update, access the main vendor web page and download it there. As you can see, downloading files and programs from unreliable websites eventually results in being spammed with Ads by Cinemax.

Here we have to point out that Cinemax is not a computer infection because it does not enter the system stealthily. It requires user’s permission to get installed on the PC, so at the same time it means that you can remove Cinemax manually as well. Nevertheless, after manual removal, you will have to make sure that all the potentially unwanted applications have been deleted from your computer.

The best way to protect your PC from various threats is to invest in a licensed computer security application, and run regular system scans. If you scan your PC regularly, you will be able to terminate unwanted and perhaps even dangerous programs in no time.

How to remove Ads by Cinemax

Windows 8

  1. Move mouse cursor to the bottom right of the screen.
  2. When Charm bar appears go to Settings and click Control Panel.
  3. Open Uninstall a program and remove Cinemax.

Windows Vista & Windows 7

  1. Click Start menu and select Control Panel.
  2. Go to Uninstall a program and remove Cinemax.

Windows XP

  1. Open Start menu and go to Settings.
  2. Click Control Panel and select Add or remove programs.
  3. Uninstall Cinemax.
Download Remover for Ads by Cinemax *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Ads by Cinemax Screenshots:

Ads by Cinemax
Ads by Cinemax
Ads by Cinemax


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