How Security Checkup Protects Facebook Users

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If you use Facebook, you might have already heard about the new feature, Security Checkup. Most users do not pay much attention to Facebook security upgrades, because they come up quite frequently. There is no doubt that Facebook Inc. invests a lot of money into virtual security, but not all efforts are applauded by the customers. Many users have expressed their disbelief that money is put towards seemingly useless services, and no one is controlling fake profiles, racist comments, inappropriate ads, or malicious scams. Even though many users are outraged, there is no doubt that some will find Security Checkup quite useful. In fact, security experts claim that this is one of the most important upgrades that Facebook has initiated in a long while.

The Security Checkup offers an easy way to change passwords, enable login alerts, and, of course, clean login sessions. Even though these features are not new, and you probably know how to use them from your Facebook account, the Security Checkup offers a very simple way to upgrade your security from one window. If you want to keep your accounts secure, it probably is a good idea to turn on login alerts to be notified when your account is logged into from a different device. If this is what you want to enable, you need to go to Security Checkup, go to “Keep Your Account Secure,” and click Turn On. Even though this is a great feature, it will not do much if your accounts get hacked. Of course, this might give you time to change your passwords before schemers manage to use your Facebook account to perform malicious social engineering scams.

If you are quick to receive alerts and act on them, you might be able to terminate intrusive login sessions before any damage is done, which is great news. As it was reported last week, the Security Checkup has already started sending Tests to Facebook users. If you are offered to take this test, do not skip it, because the information presented by Security Checkup can put you ahead of malicious schemers. It is always best to be prepared for what might happen, than to look for helpful tools and learn how to use them when you are under an attack and under a lot of stress. Even though Security Checkup is not yet available to all users, it will compliment the already existing Privacy Checkup. This tool allows you to manage the privacy related to your Posts, Apps, and Profile.

Your virtual security is extremely important, but some users decide that they do not want to rely on anybody or anything to control virtual protection. Even though you might think that you have everything under control, tools like Security Checkup and Privacy Checkup are extremely helpful. Of course, the most important tool you should use is authentic security software. If this software is not installed on your PC, any security loophole could be used to infect your operating system with malware, and, in this case, even the right Security Checkup settings will not save you.


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