Facebook is down

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If you were one of those who could not access the social networking website Facebook on 19th of June, you should know that you were not the only one because Facebook was down completely. According to some sources, it is the longest outage of the service that has ever happened because Facebook has not been accessible for about 20 minutes. A number of Facebook users worldwide have noticed this and started complaining on other social networking websites. Some of them even claim that they are not productive without the ability to access Facebook. Thus, the message that Facebook is down has flown round the world.

Facebook error “Sorry, something went wrong. We’re working on getting this fixed as soon as we can” has appeared to all of the users who tried connecting to Facebook. Unfortunately, users could not access various applications, for instance, games and various tools as well. It means that it was impossible to update status, contact friends, write private messages, and the like. As it can be seen, the functionality of Facebook was completely disrupted.

Unfortunately, the users of this social networking website cannot do anything regarding the fact that Facebook is down. The Facebook error could not be dismissed as well because its appearance on your screen is not your computer’s fault. Thus, the only thing that you can do when Facebook is down is to wait for its specialists to resume the service.


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