Your system has been blocked Removal Guide

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Category: Fake Warnings

Your system has been blocked is a part of the cunning Microsoft Security Essentials Alert scam, which has been targeting operating Windows systems all over the world. The fictitious alert that pops up on your screen is fueled by a vicious Trojan, which you need to remove from your system as soon as possible; otherwise, you will have no chance of having the irritating message Your system has been blocked removed from your PC’s screen and your system will be locked down without a chance for you to access the Internet or those Windows tools that could help you delete the obnoxious application from your computer manually. Below you will see the fictitious message, allegedly coming from the authentic Microsoft:

Microsoft Security Essentials Alert
Your system has been blocked for security reason.
Microsoft Security Essentials detected potential threats! Your system has reached the critical security level, because of visiting sites with infected and pornographic contents. Its further use may lead to the system collapse and complete loss of information. To restore Your Windows system performance, you need to download and install an additional module of the dynamic proactive protection. This module is an optional paid update for especially infected Windows systems. It eliminates the causes of system slowdown, associated with the presence of difficult-found malicious software, prevents the system crash and stabilize its operation.

The only reason why the Trojan will paralyze your computer and lock down the desktop is to make you pay all of your attention to the bogus notification. Only this implementation will make you think that the alleged “additional module of the dynamic proactive protection” ad-on is necessary to your operating system, and only this will allow schemers to trick you into giving up your money for this “optional paid update”. We can guarantee you that Windows or Microsoft would never lock down your computer asking for money, which means that the alleged infection is bogus and that supposedly detected malware do not even need to be removed from your system. Of course, together with this vicious infection more dangerous programs could have entered your PC; however, you will never delete these with the bogus malware removal update! The only thing you need to do right away is delete Your system has been blocked, and the best way to start with this difficult operation is to unlock your PC. Follow these instructions to accomplish this:

  1. Restart your computer.
  2. Launch the Safe Mode selection menu by hitting F8 on your keyboard.
  3. Select Safe Mode with Networking.

After these steps you should be able to access your computer’s essential parts and, most importantly, your system’s browser. We do not recommend having the infection Your system has been blocked removed manually, and if you are not confident with your knowledge or skills, we can guarantee you that automatic removal tools will serve you best.

Download Remover for Your system has been blocked *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.


  1. I cant figure out how to get rid of this thing

    i would like to send you a picture to show what comes up

    some list info

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