Zemblax Ransomware Removal Guide

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Zemblax Ransomware is an annoying computer infection that tries to push users into spending their money on a file decryption tool. You should never pay for anything these crooks have to offer. Remove Zemblax Ransomware right now, and then restore your files with the public decryption tool. We are lucky that there is a public decryption tool that works on this infection. However, there are other ransomware programs out there that might as well lock up your files for good, so you need to learn more about them, and how it would be possible to avoid such infections in the future.

As far as the origins of this infections are concerned, Zemblax Ransomware happens to be another version of the notorious Jigsaw Ransomware infection. Therefore, whatever could be applied to Jigsaw Ransomware, the same patterns can be applied to Zemblax Ransomware, too.

At the same time, it also means that Zemblax Ransomware probably employs similar distribution patterns, and if you want to avoid similar threats in the future, you should be aware of those routes. First, it is very likely that ransomware employs spam email attachments to spread around. Users are tricked into downloading and running those attachments because they often look like legitimate document files. However, if you stop and go through the email before automatically opening the file, you will definitely see that something is off. Hence, as long as you are careful and attentive, it should be possible to avoid Zemblax Ransomware and other similar infections.

Also, you should refrain from downloading programs from illegal sources. Don’t accept files from unknown senders via RDP connection, too. Finally, if you think that the file is important, but you still want to be safe, you can always scan the downloaded file with a security tool of your choice before opening it. That would surely decrease the chance of a ransomware infection.

Now, if Zemblax Ransomware enters your computer, it locates all the file types it can encrypt, and then it launches the encryption. All the encrypted files receive the “.zemblax” extension, and this extension works like a stamp that shows which files were affected by the intruder. It also generates a window with the ransom message. It says the following:

All your files have been encrypted with a private key
To RESTORE all your files back, please follow this few simple steps:
1. Our service charges a payment for private key decryption tool;
2. After payment being processed, provide your Personal Key;
3. Receive your personal decryption tool;
4. Run the decryption tool and successfully restore all your files back to normal state.

Now, you should never do what this ransom note says because you would only lose your money, and probably would not get your money back. Since there is a public decryption tool available, you don’t need to sweat about it. However, we would still strongly encourage you to create a file backup once this ransomware debacle is over. Maintaining a file back-up is the most efficient way to protect yourself against such threats.

Now, removing Zemblax Ransomware manually might be a little bit of a hassle, so if you don’t want to deal with it on your own, invest in a security tool that will help you do that automatically. Once Zemblax Ransomware is gone, get the public decryption tool from EmiSoft, and restore your files. If something doesn’t go according to the plan, don’t hesitate to leave us a comment, or simply address a local professional, who would guide you through every single step. Don’t miss your chance to learn more about these infections so you could be better prepared for the next time.

How to Remove Zemblax Ransomware

  1. Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc and open the Task Manager.
  2. Click the Processes tab and kill the drpbx.exe process.
  3. Close the Task Manager and press Win+R.
  4. Type regedit into the Open box and click OK.
  5. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
  6. On the right side, right click and delete the firefox.exe file that doesn’t lead to the actual Firefox folder.
  7. Press Win+R and type %AppData%. Click OK.
  8. Delete the following files from the directory:
  9. Press Win+R again and type %LOCALAPPDATA%. Click OK.
  10. Remove the Drpbx folder and its contents.
  11. Scan your computer with SpyHunter.
Download Remover for Zemblax Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Zemblax Ransomware Screenshots:

Zemblax Ransomware
Zemblax Ransomware


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