Your personal files are encrypted Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

Should you receive a notification that reads “Your personal files are encrypted,” it means that you have been infected with Crypto Ransomware. It is a dangerous computer infection that encrypts your files, and then it is virtually impossible to get them back. Therefore, it is important always to keep a back-up of your most important files. In order to remove Your personal files are encrypted notification from your desktop, you have to terminate the ransomware program responsible for it. While you are at it, please invest in a reliable antispyware application that would protect your computer from similar infections.

According to our research, the infection that displays Your personal files are encrypted notification is known by several different names, including the aforementioned Crypto Ransomware, Critoni.A and CTB-Locker_Critoni Ransomware. The bottom line is that it does not matter which version of the ransomware you get infected with – all of them display Your personal files are encrypted message and try to convince you that you have to purchase a decryption key immediately. Needless to say, spending your money on this ransomware would not do any good because the infection does not have the intention to issue the decryption key in the first place.

The main difference between Your personal files are encrypted and other types of ransomware is that the former utilizes Bitcoins. Usually ransomware infections try to make an impression that you have committed a serious crime, and thus you have to transfer money via alternative payment system. However, when you get infected with Crypto Ransomware, they ask you to pay in Bitcoins in order to acquire the decryption key. It also goes on to say that if you try unlocking your computer or decrypting the files on your own, you might seriously damage your system. At the same time, there is no guarantee that this ransomware will keep its promise even if you do transfer the required amount.

Since it is almost impossible to restore your encrypted files, the best way to protect yourself from Your personal files are encrypted ransomware is to avoid it. This infection usually enters the target computer as an executable file. It may seem like an update file for Adobe flash or any other popular application. This fake update file usually comes from a third-party website, so you need to download program upgrades only from the official vendor homepages! If you fail to follow the secure browsing guidelines, you will soon be infected with dangerous infections.

Manual ransomware removal is very challenging. To get rid of Your personal files are encrypted notification, you should invest in a licensed antispyware tool and then scan your computer. A security tool of choice will help you remove all the malware-related files, and your PC would be safeguarded against similar threats in the near future.

In case you have any further questions regarding Crypto ransomware or your computer security in general, please leave us a comment in the box below.

Download Remover for Your personal files are encrypted *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

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Your personal files are encrypted


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